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“I think so. I thought about it this morning on the drive home, and sex with you was… well, you were there so you know how amazing it was. If we’re doing that constantly, that’s a slippery slope.”

She’s right, of course. It’s not what I want, but it’s the smart play, and I have to stop thinking with my dick. I grip the steering wheel tighter, already feeling a weird sense of loss I shouldn’t. “Then we’ll start a day before you’re supposed to ovulate and end a day after you should be done. We can even get those fertility sticks if you want.”

“Okay,” she whispers after a few minutes. “I’ll move in with you. For all of those reasons. You’re right. Running to your house at odd times is insane, and if we’re planning to have me move in after I’m pregnant anyway, then I guess it just makes sense to do it now.”

I do everything I can to hold in my excited smile, hating how my chest fucking flutters like I’m a goddamn giddy kid. “Good.”

“Good,” she parrots, turning to me with a taunting gleam, and I start to slip.



That smile is twitching up my lips. “You’re wet, aren’t you?”

“And you’re hard,” she throws back at me. “I can see the outline of your dick.” But that’s not good enough for her. My little vixen reaches over and squeezes me through my shorts until I groan and grunt and have to move her hand away.

I pull into a spot outside of my mother’s building. “No more dick touching. We’re here.”

She pivots to look out her window. “Nice building.”

“It is. I bought it for her after my dad died and left me a fortune that he never paid her in child support or alimony. Actually, he never paid her much at all to take care of me.”

“Oh, that’s awful. Your poor mom. Can I ask about your dad?”

“My dad was a fucking asshole who never made time for me or my mom. He cheated on her and then left us. But he had a business that did well and then another that did better. He married two more times, both to women I never met before he divorced them too. He died alone, which I’m not sad about, and I don’t care if that makes me a bad human, and since I was his only living heir, everything went to me.”

She flips back around. “My parents had life insurance that went to me along with the proceeds from the sale of their house. My uncle put it into a trust for me, but I haven’t touched it. I’m a type 1 diabetic, and, well, I think we all know the challenges that come with that. So I’ve kept it as a nest egg. And that has nothing to do with my uncle Cal or my stepmom Layla’s money—and trust me, they each have plenty—or what they have planned for me.”

“Why are you telling me that?”

“So you know I don’t give two shits about your money.”

I didn’t think she did, but having her say it is more of a relief than I anticipated. “Our kid or kids will never have to worry.”

She nods. “I know.”

I roll my eyes because she knows that’s not what I meant. I meant I’d take care of them. I know she will too, but I like knowing I can do that for my kids. I want to be the one to provide for them the way my father never did for me, and if Katy would let me, I’d do the same for her, though I know she won’t.

“So, you are Surprise Baby for the Billionaire Doctor?”

I smirk. “I damn well hope so.”

She stares at me, and I stare at her, the heat and tension between us rising. My hands twitch. My skin hums. I want to fucking maul this woman. That is until my mother knocks on the glass of Katy’s window. “Is she a brunch treat for you or me?


Katy bursts out laughing and then flies out of the car, hugging my mother—why is she hugging my mother?!—and then tells her to take the front seat and explains how she works for me but that she hijacked my brunch with her.

My mother is glowing. She doesn’t even require electricity.

The second after my mother buckles up and Katy is in the back seat and we head toward Brookline, where my mother’s favorite deli is, she asks, “So, Katy, tell me, are you dating my son?”

“Mom,” I warn.

“No,” Katy answers evenly. “I’m not. I’m not dating right now and have no plans to.”

“Why ever not?” My mother is appalled.
