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I can’t even begin to explain the sensation swarming like a pack of honeybees in my body. Holding her ass in my hand, my other wraps around her neck in a move so possessive and controlling I growl and nip at her bottom lip.

“Come on, Katy. Let me feel it. Let me feel how warm and tight your cunt is when it comes all over my cock.” She’s not ovulating anymore, I know this, but I don’t care. Nothing has ever been as satisfying or felt better than coming inside her. I squeeze her neck lightly and unleash myself, fucking her with abandon. “We’ll stop. When you’re pregnant we’ll stop.”

“Ah. Bennett!”

Yes. There it is. “Say it again.”

“Bennett,” she moans, her eyes screwing up tight. “There. Oh, God, don’t stop. Fuck me right there.”

I do, and the second she starts to spasm around me, I let myself go and come so hard I end up pressed against her. My fingers uncurl from around her neck before I strangle her, and I push us both into the wall for support so my legs don’t give out on me.

I lick her lips, her neck, the sweet spot beneath her ear, all the while I hold her tight. And when my breathing is almost fully back under control, I rasp, “You have to talk to me. I had a wife who didn’t. A wife who lied and betrayed me. I can’t…” My face twists up. “I can’t do that with you. Things between us have to be different than that.”

“I had an ex who did the same, and you’re right, we have to be different.” She yanks on the back of my hair, forcing my face away from her neck so we’re eye-to-eye once more. “I’m sorry. I got spooked and didn’t know what to do about it.”

“Sweetheart, I get being spooked. I like you too.” So much more than I should. Looking at her, feeling her like this, I fucking like Katy a lot. The sort of liking that you don’t want to stop or slow down because it feels amazing. It’s that high you get when you’ve got something new and incredible and fun. But that’s my own thing, not hers. “We’ve both been through a lot. But I have to be able to trust you and know that you’ll tell me where your head is at.”

She nods. “You can trust me. I’ll tell you from now on.”

“I’ll tell you too.” That I might already be lost in you. That I might have always been.

A fresh coat of sweat breaks out on my forehead, and my heart thunders all over again. It’s the same feeling I had after I was inside her the first time. Christ, could there be anything worse?

She slides off me and gets to her feet, giving me a playful shove with a crooked smile on her lips. “Out. I have to get cleaned up now.”

“Are we okay?” I check, not moving away from her until I know—until I feel it—for sure.

“We’re good, Bennett. I promise.”

“Are you sleeping at home tonight?” I ask.

She nods, giving me a sweet smile.

Relief floods me. “Good. Meet me downstairs in the lobby and we’ll go together.”

I tuck myself back in my pants, adjust my shirt, and run my fingers through my wavy hair to tame it. I made her promise to tell me where her head is, but I can’t do the same with her. She’ll run, and this will be over. I just have to remember my goals. Get myself back in better control. I was desperate all week with the uncertainty between us. That’s all this is. Now that things are worked out, I’ll settle down, and we’ll settle into a groove.

It'll be fine.

I twist the lock on the door. Shit. We just did that here at work. Talk about a stupid fucking move. What was I thinking? At least no one caught us. That almost gets me out the door until I run directly into Cricket Peterson.

“Bennett?” Her eyebrows hit her hairline, understandably shocked to see me exiting the women’s locker room. She’s on tonight and still in her street clothes. Meaning she’ll run into Katy in there when she goes to change into her scrubs.

Again, shit! Dread, along with a rush of sickly adrenaline slam through me. So. Fucking. Stupid.

“Hi, Cricket.” My voice is a mess. I’m sure I am too.

“What were you doing in the women’s locker room?” she asks, suspicion all over her.

“Dr. Barrows wasn’t feeling well, and I brought her some water. I’m just heading out for the evening. No one else was in there but her. I made sure of it,” I tack on, so she doesn’t think I’m a fucking pervert trolling the women’s locker room. She might not know about the rumors, but my boss does, and if she brings this up to the chief of surgery, I’m out on my ass.

“Oh.” She blinks at me, taking in my weak lie and twisting it around in her head until it makes sense. At least I hope that’s what she’s doing. “Was it her diabetes? Because you know she has that.”

Has that? The way she says it like it’s pestilence crawling all over her and makes Katy weak enrages me. “I think she just had a hard case.”

She makes a derisive noise in the back of her throat. “Pathetic, right? We all have hard cases. The real trauma surgeons are the ones who know how to cope with that and don’t allow it to affect them.”

There is no winning this in Katy’s favor, and even though I want to verbally eviscerate her for being so cruel and thoughtless, I rein myself in.
