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“I’m going to examine that after I check your buddy here for a concussion.”

“What is it with everyone using the term buddy today? He’s not my fucking buddy.”

“Why are you so grumpy?”

“Yeah, Bennett. Why are you so grumpy?” Cayden is smirking. I know that taunting tone of his. He saw the rise he just got out of me about Katy, which given his track record, means he’s going to try to fuck her. And since he’s Cayden Craw, he’ll likely succeed. He already had her smiling. His hand was on her forearm.

“Did he touch any other part of you?” I ask Katy, not even caring if I’m grumpy or even a bit psycho. As far as I’m concerned, he’s lucky I didn’t kill him.

“Huh?” She turns back to me.

“Did. He. Touch. You? Tell me.” So I can hit him again. Harder this time.

“I touched her lower back on the elevator when I told her ex-boyfriend I was her new guy. You know, the one trying to get her pregnant.”

Katy gasps, but if I thought I was seeing red before, now it’s a shower of blood over my vision.

“You son of a bitch.”

I fly straight for him, ready to tear him apart piece by motherfucking piece, only to have Katy intercept me. Her small body slams into mine, and her hands shove my shoulders, trying to force me back to the chair.

“Move,” I order.


“So help me God, Katy. I will spank you so hard for letting him pretend to be your fake boyfriend if you don’t let me kill him now.”

“Promises, promises. I still have yet to get a good spanking from you.” She twists my nipple through my scrub top until I wince. “Enough!” she snaps. “You’re very sexy when you’re all alpha male like this, but no more beating people up.”

My lips twitch. Fuck, this girl just has me. “Sexy alpha male, huh?”

“Sit down, Bennett, and ice your goddamn hand.”

“I thought you weren’t dating,” Cayden throws out, still lying supine like the pussy he is. “Isn’t that what you told me when I asked you out?”

“I’m not.” She pulls a penlight from her pocket and starts examining him. “Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light.”

“Oh, so then there’s nothing going on with you and Bennett. All that spanking talk is just workplace banter. Good stuff. My window is still open then.”

“You stupid motherfu?—”

“I said enough. Jesus. It’s like preschool in here.” She sits Cayden up. “You’re awake but stupid enough to start shit and risk getting hit again. I can’t tell if that’s from a head injury or you just like to run your mouth. Can you follow my finger with just your eyes?”

“Can’t I just stare into yours instead?”

“Sure. You can intentionally fail your neuro exam. I have no problems sending you down to the emergency department and having all the new interns perform full neuro exams and possibly a few rectal ones on you.”

Cayden chokes on a laugh and twists to meet my eyes, giving me a smug look that tells me he likes Katy. Yeah, take a number, asshole. I flip him off with my good hand.

“I’m a neurosurgeon,” Cayden explains pompously to Katy, acting like a peacock. “I can do my own neuro exam.”

“Goodie gumdrops for you, but I’m hardly impressed by that. Now shut up and do as you’re told.” Katy holds up her pointer finger in front of Cayden, and he follows her every command. “I don’t think you have a concussion.”

“No,” he agrees. “It was a lousy sucker punch. His mother hits harder than that.”

“I’ll let her know you’re in town and see if she can do better,” Katy deadpans. “The cut on your face doesn’t need stitches, which is too bad since I can’t let the interns play with it.” She tosses an ice pack at his face and then comes for me. “Your turn.”

“It’s fine,” I maintain, my hard eyes on Cayden’s Cheshire grin. He stares at her ass as she bends to examine me, and I’m legit going to kill him. It’ll be fun. I bet if I ask nicely enough, Vander will help me get rid of his body. He seems like the sort to know how to do that.
