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I smile, burying my head in her neck and pulling her against me. “Come on. Let’s go shower.”

Today is my mom’s first day of her second round of chemo. She got a six-week break after finishing her first round, and so far, the scans and blood work are promising. She’s in good spirits despite lamenting over her bald head. The break was good for her, and I hate that she has to go through another eight weeks of this. Katy came with me for it, and it made my mom’s otherwise miserable day better.

She took over reading duties for me, picking up where my mom and I left off in our current read. It’s some sports romance both women seem to be loving, and I don’t argue when Katy reads the sex scenes with exuberance. My mind is far too preoccupied to care or even pay much attention to it.

After my mom’s chemo, we have our first OB appointment.

Katy is officially seven weeks along, but with her diabetes, her OB wants her to come in for some blood work and an ultrasound. Meaning we’ll get to see our baby. Words can’t describe the nerves and excitement swarming through me.

Katy offered to have my mom come with us, but I told her we’d have her do that with the next one. For the first ultrasound, I want it to be just us. Tonight, Katy is staying at Owen’s place so she can have a sleepover with Rory and I’m going to stay at my mom’s.

Other than that, it’s been an incredibly quiet five weeks since we found out we’re pregnant. Liz calls with less frequency. I haven’t seen Cayden, and I have no idea if he’s gone back to Minnesota or if he’s still here in Boston. Frankly, I don’t care. Cricket was only knocked from her high horse for a few days. After that, she was back to sucking up and snarking Katy any chance she got.

Interviews start next week for trauma fellowships, and I know Katy is anxious about them. We haven’t talked much about it. She’s preparing, but I also know she’s worried about what her pregnancy will mean for her chances of getting it. And if she does get it, what will having a newborn do to her work?

To me, it’s still too early to talk about it.

So much can happen between now and then, and we’ll get a firm due date today. Once we have a better sense of how her pregnancy is going and how her body is responding to it, then we can start to plan.

Dana Farber is connected to Brigham and Women’s Hospital where Katy’s OB is—thankfully, it’s not Keegan or one of her uncles or aunts—and as we walk, Katy holds my hand as she talks to Owen. We’ve taken more risks with each other outside of the hospital, though we’re both aware anyone could see us at any time.

“Yes, I swear,” she says, and then she laughs. “A little sugar won’t kill her, Owen. It’ll only kill me.” She laughs harder. “No, that’s great. You know me, I’ll eat the hell out of all the pizza tonight. No, I don’t have any weird cravings. At least not yet. My usual is perfect.” She pauses to listen. “Obviously, we’re watching The Little Mermaid.” She snorts. “Dude, if you want to go out and, I don’t know, pick up a woman for once in your life, go for it. I’ve got the little lady.” Another pause. “Aw, you’re cute when you’re clingy to me. The three of us will have an epic pajama party, but at some point, you do need to venture into the world of sex again.” She laughs. “Sounds good, my brother from another mother. Love you too.”

She disconnects the call just as we approach the elevator and hit the button. “Why doesn’t Owen ever go out?”

Katy glances up at me. “Owen’s ex was a real piece of work. You should know what those are like.” She gives me a hip bump. “Anyway, he does go out on rare occasions, but only for a night if you know what I mean. He’s hesitant to bring anyone into Rory’s life again after what happened with them. Not even a nanny, though trust me when I tell you he needs one desperately.”

“That sucks. I feel for him with that.”

The elevator doors open, and we step on and hit the button for our floor. The moment the doors close and the car starts to ascend, I take Katy in my arms and kiss her like crazy.

“I’m going to miss you tonight,” I tell her. “But more than that, whatever this ultrasound shows, I’ll always love you and that will never change. No matter what.”

Her arms snake around my neck, and she kisses me back. “I love you too. And—” Her words sharply cut off as the elevator suddenly loses power and we glide to a stop. “What in the absolute fuck?”

Oh hell. Not again.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” she shrieks and smacks my shoulder. “Bennett, what did you do?”

“Me?” I point to my chest. “I didn’t do anything.”

“Except the elevator stopped and doesn’t have power. Again. It’s not even the same goddamn hospital or elevator. How does this keep happening to you, and why are you dragging me down with you?”

I throw my arms up. “I have no idea. I honestly don’t. I’m clearly elevator jinxed.”

“Four times! Who gets stuck in an elevator four times? Why do you even bother riding on one?”

She has a point with that. It is a bit ridiculous at this point.

She spins around and starts to pace, her breath quickening. “You are never getting in an elevator with our baby. Ever. Why is this elevator so small? It’s a hospital. Elevators in hospitals are supposed to be big. No gurney could fit in here.”

“This is the office wing. The elevators are normal size.”

She throws me a menacing glare. and I redirect.

“Relax. It’s going to be fine, baby. I’m sure it’ll come back on in a moment.”

“Relax?” Her arms flail about. “I’m stuck in another fucking elevator. I was just getting to the point where I didn’t think about getting stuck when I got on one, and now this.”
