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I pull her back into my chest and hug her to me. “Yes, but this time at least there’s emergency lighting.”

“Oh, goodie fucking gumdrops. Emergency lighting. There is no Keegan this time.” Her eyes spark with realization. “Oh! But there is a Kenna. Kenna works here.” She slips her phone from her purse and calls Kenna, who picks up quickly. “Hey lover, is the power out in the hospital?” She listens for a minute, sighs, and then throws me another one of her death glares. “Fabulous. So the man I decided to make the father of my child is elevator jinxed.” She starts pacing again, one hand on her hip, the other holding the phone to her ear. “We’re stuck in the goddamn elevator on the way to our appointment. I know! It’s unreal. Yes, we’re fine, if you don’t take my freaking out into account. Great. Thanks, babe. We’ll just sit here and wait.” The last part comes out especially sarcastic and it makes my lips bounce. I have no idea why, but for some reason, I’m finding this ironically humorous.

Not to mention, as she was talking, I hit the emergency call button and texted the number on the panel. A message popped through immediately telling me that we’d be up and moving again soon. It’s simply a small mechanical error that triggered the power outage for our car, but it should be fixed once they restart the system.

Katy is walking laps around the car, her hands wild and dragging through her hair as she mutters to herself.

“You doing okay over there?” I quip, my lips twitching when she flips me off. “Still love me?”

She grumbles under her breath, but I think she said something along the lines of, “Unfortunately, yes.” More muttering before she stops pacing in front of me. “Admit it, you’re jinxed.”

I shrug. “I might be.”

“I’m never doing this with you again.”

“You’ve said that before.”

She squints at me. “Yeah, well, I mean it this time, Buster. I never got stuck once until you came into my life.”

My hands meet her hips. “Fair enough.”

“Stop smiling at me like that. It’s not funny.”

It’s not, and I feel bad she’s panicking again, but for some reason, I can’t help but find it so. “You’re cute when you’re panicking.”

Her jaw drops. “That’s seriously messed up.”

I shrug again. “Possibly, but it’s still true.”

“Ugh.” She shoves my chest until my hands fall away, and she starts to pace again. “We’re going to be late for our”—the car jerks back to life and starts to move—“appointment,” she finishes.

“Not anymore.”

The doors open a half minute later, and I wave for her to get off first. She nudges my shoulder. “This is why people think you’re a jerk, Bennett. You might want to work on that.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Did you just ma’am me? Do I look old enough to be a ma’am?”

“Will I be able to say anything right?”

“Absolutely not.” She sniffs. “At least not until my heart rate and blood pressure return to normal.” Her body sags dramatically. “Ugh. That’s going to throw off my vital signs in there.”

“I promise, no more elevators for you, and we’re safe and sound. Deep breaths.”

“I’ll give you deep breaths,” she mutters bitingly.

Katy refuses to take my hand again as we enter the office. She’s hell-bent on being angry and ignoring me, which lasts her all of ten more minutes until they take about ten vials of blood and we’re brought back to the ultrasound room. Her vitals were fine, by the way. Just a slightly elevated heart rate as she recounted our elevator mishap to the tech.

Only the second Katy gets situated on the table, her anger and nerves switch gears. All her focus—and mine—goes to the machine on her right and the screen in the corner of the room.

Chapter Twenty-Six

“Good afternoon. I’m Angel. I’m going to be doing your ultrasound today.”

I smile politely, but for the life of me, I can’t make words come out. I’ve imagined this moment dozens of times over the last couple of years, but not since everything with Bennett began. Maybe because it went from future fantasy to reality, and now there is so much at stake.

Bennett sets his head on the table beside mine and takes my hand, squeezing my fingers. I can feel his pulse thrashing through his palm, and something about that settles me. We’re in this together, for more than just the baby now. Yes, that raises things to another level of shit that can go wrong, but I don’t think that’s going to be us.
