Page 134 of Bet Me Something

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Iwoke as the sun was coming up, looking over to see that Colby was still sound asleep beside me. I took a moment to appreciate his gorgeous face, wanting to touch him again but knowing I’d promised myself that time was up. I had no regrets, but the last thing I needed was to have ‘the talk’ about where this left us now or, worse, have him say he was sorry for the umpteenth time.

The fact I was leaving tomorrow night for three weeks gave me resolve. I wasn’t going to expect that anything between us had changed, and thankfully, my sated body was trumping any potential of an emotional fallout. At least for the moment.

Quietly, I dressed, packed my things, and crept out of the room. When I was at the bottom of the stairs, Mrs. Singer startled me.

“Good morning, honey. You want some breakfast?”

“No, thank you. I should get back to the hospital.”

She reached out, squeezing my hand. “I understand. You call me if there’s anything we can do and keep me updated. I’ll come by the house later, depending on when your father gets home.” Her gaze left mine, focusing on the stairs behind me. “Colby, I wasn’t aware you’d come home.”

She glanced from me to him, and I could feel my face heating. Hearing his husky voice and seeing him standing there didn’t help matters.

“Hi, Mom. I got in late last night, so I didn’t want to wake you.”

Her eyes got bigger but, to her credit, she didn’t ask the obvious question, such as: what did you do when you found Kenzie in your bed?

“I need to go, but thanks again, Mrs. Singer, for letting me stay. I’ll see you both later.”

I practically bolted the short distance to my house to drop my things and take a shower. A text from Colby waited for me with the words I dreaded.

“Can we talk please?”

Although it was an excuse to avoid him, it was a damn good one. “I’m on my way to see my dad. Maybe later.”

Once I arrived at the hospital, I went up to my father’s room hoping I wouldn’t wake him if he were still asleep. But after one step inside the room and a glance toward the bed, it became obvious that both my parents were wide awake and—oh my god—making out?

My mother pulled back immediately, blushing, but not moving from the bed she was currently sharing with him.

“Good morning,” my father greeted, not bothering to wipe the smile from his face.

“Yeah, good morning.” I was rooted to the spot, not knowing if I should turn and leave them alone or stay here attempting awkward conversation. One thing was for certain, I was in shock. Put aside the fact they’d told me less than forty-eight hours ago they were divorcing, I couldn’t ever recall one time I’d seen them share more than a peck.

“Come in and take a seat,” my mother invited, snapping me out of it.

“Right. Okay. How are you feeling, Dad?” I sat in the visitor chair, watching them together with their hands joined.

He chuckled and then exchanged a look with my mom. “Better. Much better. Doctors say I should be released this afternoon. I need to watch my diet, incorporate some exercise, but other than that, this heart should stay in good shape for years to come.”

“That’s great news.”

My mother got up and came over, taking the chair beside me. “I owe you an apology, McKenzie.”

Freaking pigs had to be flying over a blue moon in a frozen hell somewhere. That is the only thing that could explain those words coming from my mother’s mouth.

She sighed heavily. “Your expression looks like your father’s last night when I told him the same thing.”

She went on express regret over her panic due to the divorce and her pressure on me to move home. By the time she’d finished, I think my jaw was on the floor. Clearly, the last twenty-four hours had done something to her. In a good way.

“Whatever you decide to do with your life, we’re both supportive,” my father summarized and then winced when he received a hard look from my mom. “Not fully from a financial aspect, to quote your mother, but we can work that out.”

Ah, there was the glimpse of the mother I knew. “Thank you,” I murmured in a state of astonishment. I had a million things swirling around in my mind, but the one question I couldn’t contain was, “Are you two staying together?”

They shared a smile. “We’re certainly going to try.”

Wow. Okay, then. I grinned, not realizing until now how much I’d wanted them to work it out.
