Page 135 of Bet Me Something

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Brian,Sasha, and I met for breakfast downstairs in the hospital cafeteria an hour later. Meanwhile, my mother was content to have her coffee and stay with my dad upstairs.

“It’s weird to see her like that,” Brian confided. Earlier, he’d also been on the receiving end of an apology from our mother.

Sasha nodded, having been hugged by my mom while she expressed regret over how she’d reacted to their engagement. “I’ll say.”

We all started laughing and could only hope that whatever epiphany my mother had experienced with my dad’s health scare stayed with her when things returned to normal. We laid bets that we had a week, tops, but at least I’d be out of the country by that time.

Heading back up to the waiting room, we all inwardly groaned when we saw my brother Ben and his wife, Rebecca. I thought it ironic to be related to people who were so easy to forget about.

“How nice that none of you could’ve picked up the phone to call us?” Rebecca started out, flicking her eyes between Brian and me.

Before anyone else could answer, a retort flew out of my mouth. “Considering he’s my father, not yours and not even Ben’s, and the only people I’d call would be those who genuinely care, I don’t know why you’d be surprised you weren’t on the list.”

I looked toward my half-brother Ben, feeling as if he was a total stranger to me, probably because he was. It didn’t help that any respect I may’ve ever had for him had faded over the years he’d stay married to the bitch-from-hell.

Rebecca’s face reflected some shock that I’d be the one to speak up, but then her eyes narrowed for battle. “Unlike the rest of you, we’re an active part of your parents’ lives and are here for every holiday, every birthday—”

“Good for you,” I said dryly, intending to turn away and avoid any more drama in the waiting room. But it wasn’t to be, as her next words stopped me in my tracks.

“Considering you’re the cause of the heart attack, one would think you’d be a little more contrite over this whole ordeal.”

I stepped close to her, lowering my voice. “What did you say to me?”

She smirked. “All the stress you put them under by refusing to move home or show any appreciation for everything they’ve done for you caused them to split up and led to your father’s heart attack.”

If she’d thought she was springing a bombshell on me with the divorce news, she was about to realize I had the upper hand. “They’re not getting divorced and are more than supportive of my decisions. Maybe all that time you’ve been spending with them didn’t afford you the most updated version of the story. Or perhaps you’re not the type of person that people like to share good news with.”

She was momentarily caught off guard but recovered with a dismissal. “Whatever. Let’s go see them, Ben. I’ll have the unfortunate pleasure of seeing you all tomorrow at the baptism.”

I’d had enough of Rebecca’s toxicity at my family events. She didn’t deserve to be invited to our friends’ celebrations simply because they thought it was the polite thing to do. Clearly, Haylee had never told Josh how mean Rebecca had been to her whenever we did have gatherings, else Rebecca already would’ve been banned.

“You know what? It might be better if you didn’t come.”

“Excuse me?”

“I said it might be better for you not to attend the baptism or the brunch tomorrow. No one needs your negativity there.”

“Someone is awfully full of herself today, but considering the invitation came from Mrs. Singer, not you, we’ll do as we please.”

“You’re right, she did invite you. But then again, that’s because she doesn’t know all of the horrible things you’ve had to say about Haylee over this last year, including the comment at their wedding that she’d trapped Josh into marriage. In fact, neither does Josh. If they did know about it, you’d be blackballed for life. So, fair warning: if you choose to show up, I won’t hesitate to cause a scene and have you thrown out if you so much as roll your eyes.”

“I’d help her,” Brian piped in for support.

Rebecca’s face paled. “Your mother would never allow that to happen.”

I shrugged. “In choosing between her decades old friendship with the Singers or you, I’m going to bet she’s not picking you.” My gaze flicked toward Ben, who was an older-looking version of Brian, but without the personality. He hadn’t said a word. “Guess it’s up to you, Ben, as to whether or not you’d want to come without her. Might be nice to get to know you.”

“How dare you.”

When Rebecca’s open hand flew toward my face, I saw it coming, grabbing her by the wrist before she made contact. I wasn’t gentle, squeezing it harshly in my grasp.

“You’re lucky I didn’t allow you to hit me because that’s assault, which would mean if I struck you in return, it would be self-defense. And as immensely satisfying as it would be to knock you the fuck out right now, it’s more satisfying to tell you you’re not worth it.”

I let her hand go, finding pleasure in the fact that she was holding her wrist in pain. “Ben, I’d suggest you take her out of here before I change my mind. Think real hard about tomorrow or any other family event in the future, Rebecca. If you can’t say anything nice, then consider yourself warned that the gloves are off. The days of you being a bully around my family and friends are over.”

Our older brother was stunned, but I didn’t see any hope for him as he followed a pissed-off Rebecca out of the room.
