Page 27 of Dirty Promises

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She smiled like I’d given her the very best gift. “My hero. I prefer it black like my soul.” She sipped, smiling after her first taste.

There was nothing black about her soul. Instead, I ventured to guess it was new and pristine. Mine on the other hand... Well, according to my father, it was most definitely dark.

“I got you some breakfast too. I’m gonna run your shower and get the water warm.”

Suddenly I was overwhelmed with emotion. Here I was worried about her getting attached, but the opposite seemed to be happening. I was torturing myself with a glimpse of something I couldn’t have.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” came her voice behind me.

I forced a smile. “Nothing. Water’s ready.”

“You should join me.”

“If I join you, you’ll be late.”

Her lips curved up in a smile. “I think I can be a little bit late.”

Chapter Fifteen


I was five minutes late when I knocked on Kate’s hotel room door. She had a large suite on the other side of the hotel to be used solely by us women today.

“About time,” she huffed when Nancy let me in through the door. She was seated in a chair, having her long hair detangled by the stylist.

“Sorry.” I wasn’t at all sorry. Being fucked against the shower wall by Max was worth the five minutes’ tardiness. And let’s face it, five minutes wasn’t exactly criminal.

“Yeah, well, I needed you here on time, and when you weren’t, I had to send Lara for coffee.”

Oh, boy. Bridezilla was in full effect. “Like I said, sorry. What can I do for you now?”

Kate seemed to calm down some. “I’d like it if you could go down to Tim’s suite and give him my rings.”

“Of course, happy to do it.” Anything to get out of the tension-filled room.

Unfortunately my relief didn’t last once Shawn answered the door of Tim’s room. “Hi, whore,” he greeted with a sneer.

Tim, who was standing right behind him, frowned at his friend. “What the hell, man?”

Shawn turned red, obviously not liking a witness to his abhorrent behavior. Turning on his heel, he left us at the door.

“You might want to rethink being friends with this one, Tim. Kate sent me down here to give you her rings. Here you go.” I handed over the velvet box.

“Sorry, Oakley. I had no idea things were so bad between you two.”

“Yeah, well, do me a favor and don’t tell Kate.” She’d probably find a way to blame me. “I don’t want any wedding drama.” I’d always liked Tim. Whereas Kate could sometimes be high-strung, he’d always been laid-back and chill. Best of all, he treated her like a queen and genuinely loved her.

He gave me a soft smile. “Agreed. Thanks.”

By noon, I was ready to pull my hair out from all of the errands and “bridal festivities.” But Kate was in her element, surrounded by friends and family who were catering to her every whim. My hair had been twisted into an elaborate, bride-approved updo, and my makeup tastefully applied. What I wouldn’t have given for a big, greasy snack about now. None of the lousy finger sandwiches sitting on the platter for people to pick at.

“Hey, Oakley,” Kate said, looking at her phone.


“My brother has something for me. He asked if you could go by his room and pick it up. He’s in room four twenty-seven.”

I tried not to look giddy at the prospect. “Sure. Happy to. Be right back.”
