Page 6 of Dirty Promises

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I didn’t miss the pretty blush on her cheeks indicating there might be more to the story. “Something about a disagreement over your life choices. She might know the details, but she never told me. I kind of assumed it had something to do with you deciding not to become a lawyer like your dad?”

“Yeah, dropping out of law school was certainly part of it.” When Kate had first asked what had happened, she’d been so young and naïve. I hadn’t dared tell her about the club. Then over the years, she’d stopped asking, and I assumed she’d found out the truth on her own. We stayed in touch on birthdays and holidays, but other than her occasional trip to the city, we didn’t see each other much.

I was grateful Oakley didn’t know about the club even if the idea of such an innocent experiencing it for the first time made my dick hard. Nope, not going there. Not only would she be shocked to her core, but if there was one woman off-limits this weekend, it was the one my parents considered like a second daughter.

Time for a subject change. “Where are you living these days?”

“In Jersey City, but I commute into Manhattan each day.”

I was surprised to hear she was living near the city but admonished myself against any thoughts about seeing her again in the future. “What led you to the Big Apple?”

“I went to college at NYU and enjoyed the city enough to stay. Of course it’s ridiculously expensive, so I’m in Jersey City and commute. But I feel good about my marketing firm and my career trajectory there.”

Huh, she surprised me again with the focus on career. “Your parents still live in town?”

“No. They split during my senior year. I actually stayed with your parents so I could finish my final year of high school.”

“Kate mentioned it, I think.” After living together, she and my sister had to be pretty close.

“Both my parents are remarried. My dad lives in Florida with his wife and her two younger kids, and my mom is in California with her new husband, although they travel to Mexico quite a bit.”

“Must be strange to no longer have your family live where you grew up.”

“It was at first, but even though our small town was a great place to grow up, it doesn’t do it for me anymore. I don’t mean any offense, and please don’t tell Kate, but I’m happier to travel to LA or Miami than to drive up here.”

More surprises. I’d also been anxious to leave small-town living behind. New York City had represented excitement to a college kid, but now it represented home. I loved the energy and bustle, not to mention the diversity of people who lived there. It allowed everyone to find their place instead of forcing you into a predesigned notion of where you should fit in.

After an hour of easy conversation between us, my stomach growled. It was past lunchtime, and I’d skipped breakfast. “You hungry?”

“Definitely. What do you have in mind?”

“Let’s pull off this exit and see what they have.”

I knew many a woman who would’ve complained about sandwiches from a gas station deli, but not Oakley. She was inhaling a chicken parmesan sandwich without apology. I grinned, taking a large bite of my steak and cheese.

“Good?” she asked.

“Not bad, but not as good as a street vendor by my condo. Guy is from Philly and doesn’t mess around with his cheesesteak sandwiches.” The place stayed open until the wee hours, so I could hit it right after closing the club to obtain the very best comfort food.

“Cheez Whiz or provolone?”

I smiled. “Cheez Whiz of course. And the onion rings are incredible. They’re smothered in cheese too.”

“You’ll have to give me his location. I’m always in search of great street food.”

I had the sudden urge to invite her over, and we could order in one night. Dangerous thoughts. I’d already reasoned she was off-limits. It wasn’t as if I was boyfriend material anyhow with my long hours spent at the club.

It took another three hours to get to the hotel. After parking, I found myself reluctant to get out of my SUV. As if Oakley sensed it, she reached over and squeezed my hand. “I hope you know how much it means to Kate to have you here. So no matter what else happens, please remember that. Also, I’m forever in your debt for the roadside rescue.”

Her gesture was one of comfort, yet I could feel my pulse race at the contact. What the hell was happening to me? I wasn’t a man who got excited from a simple touch. Hell, until this moment, I’d have argued I’d become desensitized to all forms of contact outside of the sexual act itself.

I cleared my throat, an unnamed emotion threatening to take hold. “You’re right. This weekend is all about Kate. Let’s get checked in and find the asshole in the red Beemer to get your things.”

I had some choice things to say to Shawn, but afterward, I was eager to go hide in my hotel room and minimize my exposure to the family.

The hotel lobby was made up of shiny, wood-paneled walls, marble floors, and a large reception area filled with plush carpets and leather couches. Swank chandeliers gave it extra class. It wasn’t so different from my club, although people were wearing a lot more clothing.

One of the walls leading to the check-in desk was lined with a wine rack from floor to ceiling, one edge of a glass-enclosed tasting room.
