Page 25 of Shattered Crown

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I beckoned Killian over to me.

“Killian,” I said, keeping my voice low and even, “we’re hitting the Rossi’s pub stronghold tonight.”

He nodded, his eyes narrowing with a mix of excitement and tension. “Got it, boss. We’ll be ready.”

I didn’t miss the way his hand twitched toward the gun hidden under his jacket. It was a telltale sign—he was in deep, maybe too deep. I turned away, hoping my gut was wrong about him.

That was one down. The rest of the group had dispersed and I needed to make sure my brothers were doing their job. I put my hands in my coat pockets and made my way outside, hoping I could overhear my brothers.

Outside, the night air clung to my skin as I made my way to where Kieran stood, leaning against his black Audi, one that had been in the family for years. My father had owned it before he died.

Kieran was talking to Sean, his voice barely more than a murmur. I caught the tail end of their conversation.

“Remember, it’s the warehouse,” Kieran said, his dark eyes flicking to me as I approached. A silent nod from Sean, and he slipped into the shadows, disappearing as if he were part of them.

“That’s two down,” I said. “Ronan is lucky he’s away on vacation.”

“Yeah, I don’t think it can be him. Hope he’s enjoying Florida,” Kieran replied. “He’s going to come back to such a clusterfuck. Anyway, are you sure about bringing Liam in?”

I sighed. “No, but I have a feeling he’s going to insist no matter what I do. If it was up to me, he’d be at home playing video games. Let’s hope he does his part right.”

“Aye,” he replied, his tone not betraying a single emotion. “Wanna go spy on him?”

I nodded, walking closer to where Liam was standing. Liam was next, pacing like a caged animal near the street corner, his youthful energy making him stick out like a sore thumb. I grabbed his shoulder, stilling him.

He should have been in the pub, but he was trying to hype himself up.

“Ray needs to know we’re targeting the Rossi butcher shop,” I instructed, looking him straight in the eye. “Make sure he believes it’s crucial.”

“Understood,” Liam said with a grin that didn’t reach his eyes. “Thanks for trusting me with this.”

“It’s just telling someone something,” I said. “Don’t get too excited.”

Liam smirked, but it was done.

A few hours later, we were on the road to do exactly what we were set to do. We moved through the city streets like ghosts, our destination pulling us closer with each step. The warehouse loomed ahead, a hulking skeleton in the moonlit night. Inside, the darkness was thick, sliced only by thin shafts of light that cut through the broken windows high above.

We had taken Sean’s car, and he hadn’t questioned why all three of us were riding with him.

As soon as we got to the Northeast side of the city, we were to do reconnaissance on the warehouse. And then we’d plant the bomb.

“Everything ready?” I asked Kieran as Sean parked.

“Yeah,” he said. “All the cameras are offline, and I brought the explosives along.”


Once we were there, it was just a matter of jimmying the lock. Easy stuff. My brothers were behind me as I managed to pry the lock open and the door to the warehouse gave in.

“Where do you want this?” Tristan asked, showing me the small explosive device in his hand.

“Somewhere they won’t see it.”

Liam laughed. Kieran shook his head. “Okay. Thanks, Captain Obvious.”

Crate after crate lined the walls, some open and spilling their contents like the secrets we all kept. The place smelled of dust and old wood, and every sound was a whisper of danger.

“Where are Killian and Ray?” Sean’s voice cut through the silence as he appeared beside us, his footsteps nearly soundless on the concrete floor.
