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I had always liked Richard and found it easy to accept his kind hug. “Hello, Richard.”

Side by side, they made a cute pair. Energetic and familiar with one another in a way Cyderial and I were decidedly not.

And then it came time for them to size up the large, uniformed man standing tall at my back.

My mom broke the silence, all sweet smiles. “He’s very handsome, Lorieyn.”

I supposed he was, if we were speaking purely of the physical, but I was not going to say so aloud.

Fortunately, Richard rushed forward to offer his hand to my mate. “I am such a fan! Back when you were in the ring, that fight against Gigof? I still watch replays.” Richard’s fist bounced off Cyderial’s outer arm, the man saying, “But we’ll keep that between us. Those files are too special to destroy.”

As if a stranger inhabited his body, with one easy grin, Cyderial became absolutely charismatic —all smiles and politeness. “Your secret is safe with me, sir. That was a match worth remembering.”

Despite his confession of disliking my mother, General Cyderial made an effort to be kind to my family. The men traded commentary on memorable arena fights I had no knowledge of. I was left staring at Cyderial like he was some alien creature I’d never beheld.

Both were clearly passionate about the subject.

“Eh, leave the men.” Motioning for me to step into her delightful house, my mother smiled. “I have made us some fine tea. Grew the leaves myself and saved them for a special occasion.”

This was everything I hoped for, all those years I longed for her finally realized. Grinning from ear to ear, I answered, “I would love some of your tea, Mom.”

She hurried me inside, leading me down a small foyer to a tight eating space. Though maybe it only seemed tight, as the large table was packed full of my siblings and one aloof stranger.

Gesturing to each of her offspring, my mother began introductions. “You remember Dana, my eldest. As you can see, she’s about to have her first baby. And next to her is her husband, Johan.”

Nearest in age to me, but still quite young, I was surprised to see my seventeen-year-old sister not only married but pregnant. “Congratulations,” I said.

Not a word was offered in response. Instead, Dana kept her eyes downcast on the table, refusing to acknowledge me. Worse, her husband did run his eyes over my person… but with outright disgust.

“Aie, Dana, don’t be so rude!” our mother interjected, obviously embarrassed. Waving a hand at me, she added, “Hormones, you know?”

“And here is Gerald, Suzanne, Mei, Curtis, and Pauline. The little ones over there are Judy, Joon, Sarah, and Cici.”

Ten children in seventeen years, some hardly out of diapers.

Undaunted by the room’s weighty silence, I fell back on the fact that little children at the academy always loved me. Crouching down to the youngest ones’ level, I gave a grinning hello and offered my hand in play.

Sarah and Cici both instantly burst into screaming tears.

Gratuitous apologies falling from my lips, I backed away, mortified I frightened my siblings.

“Oh, don’t mind them.” My mother, clearly embarrassed, motioned for Richard to quiet the babies. “They have never seen a hybrid before.”

But we didn’t look all that different, did we?

Shaking his head as if I were indeed as stupid as I felt, Dana’s husband gestured toward my talons. “It’s the claws. Your lizard hands scared them.”

"I didn't mean to." Shoving my taloned fists behind my back, I felt shame. Yet, Cyderial eased up close, wrapping his arm around me.

To my brother-in-law, he said, “Johan Custis, son of Proctor Custis, correct? You’re an unloading agent at Sky Pier 15. Unranked worker, day shift.”

The human male seemed surprised the general knew personal details, adding to his hostility with a defensive reply. “What about it?”

Cyderial’s words flowed out with perfect articulation, as if each syllable carried its own dire threat. “Nothing at all, boy.”

This was not what I hoped for, everything having become far more complicated once I stepped inside my mother’s home. Many of my siblings did not even look pleased to see me, most too busy with their devices to so much as look up at their eldest sister.

And I was pretty sure my expression betrayed how insecure this made me feel.
