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I wasn’t built for the responsibility he would thrust upon me. “And so our own kind beats the spirit right out of its children.”

Taking my chin between his forefinger and thumb, soothing in tone, he asked, “Do you think we don’t love them too? Your instructors are not monsters. They have seen humans cull entire generations of our kind. Humans in power write off such massacres as genetic sequencing errors. They do not mourn them. We are desperate to keep our children alive. One broken pinky finger might hurt, but it sure as hell will ensure the child pays attention in their next class.”

I had never heard of any such mass murder of hybrids; such a secret had never been whispered in the academy halls. “How can we tolerate this?”

Sadness was in his voice. “Maybe now you are starting to understand why I kept you so close and drove you so hard.”

“You’re trying to distract me with horrors so I shift my anger from hybrid males to humans. But our own kind enacts violence against my sisters.” Hybrid males were my adversaries when it came to their control over unmated females. “Give me something to show you mean what you say. Teach the older girls just what will happen to them once they put their names on the list. That has nothing to do with the humans at all.”

A glitter came to his verdant green eyes. “Tonight, you can wage your war on the scrupulous generals. Tomorrow, you can face off against the academy hierarchy. But right now, I want you to know I have heard you, and I ask you to give this a chance.”

I had never been particularly patient, but I was naturally tenacious. “You think I should sacrifice my ideals, because you took from me without asking? What did you have to lose in order to claim my song?”

“In order to deserve you and keep you safe,” he said with no preamble or shame, “I had to willingly execute failed recruits. I have murdered those you were fond of. Unfailingly devoted myself to a position that built animosity between us. Signed off on your torture. I made you hate me. But you are alive, and you are mine.”

Closing my eyes to him, hearing the blood rush in my ears, I let out a shaky breath. “You took it further than that.”

Sighing, he said, “You have no idea.”

“You know I am terrified of you.” Even if we did share some unexpectedly easy moments. Even if I did feel sexual excitement when he poured his attention upon me.

It was that arousal his strategy relied upon—the distraction of pleasure.

His hands going to the sash holding my robe together, my body was unwrapped. Right there, without my permission.

Right there, as I shook from the injustice of it all.

Velvet was pulled from my shoulders, bare skin left for his hungry gaze. “The fog would have killed you. Even now, as we speak, dangerous humans meet to find ways to steal you from my care. Imagine what they might do to you should they succeed. You wish to be angry that I hold you above all others, that I would keep you safe? Then hate me. Hate me forever, if you must. It will never stop me from loving you.”

Lips fell upon mine, the conversation over as he gave me another avenue to vent my frustrations through.

I clawed, scratched, and fought, grateful he forced me to the bed. Crying out when his cock broke my seal as he mounted me from behind. As if possessed by demons, he rode me hard, a rough beast with no care should I be scandalized. And in the violence that followed, Cyderial showed me just how fun it could be to make a mess of the sheets.

I bore his weight and found myself mewling noises that should have shamed me down to my bones, weeping with the rightness of it when he fisted my hair and whispered dark promises at my ear.

He swore to me he would give me anything I wanted, if only I would let him own me.

Promised me any future I might desire, if only I would surrender.

Roared that I belonged to him—sending chills down my spine and frightening me so deeply I came, clamped tight around his thrashing cock.

A knot swelled huge inside me. There was no question he was going to make me as fat as he could. That he would dress me up, show me off, let the world know just how hard he fucked his young mate.

Distending more with each gush, I found myself arching back so his wriggling cock might drive deeper into my body.

While I was being filled, he pleasured me with his fingers, with his tongue at the shell of my ear. He made threats I was too drunk on pleasure to understand.

Beyond exhausted by the time we both lay panting in the tangle of sheets, my belly was once again fully distended, his knot set deep, his cock unwilling to be moved from its warm home.

His every heartbeat, I could feel within me, as that thing of his pet me from the inside.

He’d frightened me, and he knew it.

By all the satisfied male groans and possessive strokes, he very much enjoyed his victory.

My back held firmly to his chest, his arm possessively wrapped around my middle, he palmed my breast, rolling my nipple between his fingers.

“Stop.” I could not take another moment of pleasure, my nervous system already sparking from his corruption.
