Page 55 of Grave New World

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She hadn’t ruled out Jacob as Hannah’s killer. But. Jacob had been killed by the same method as Hannah–blunt force trauma. Abigail and Maggie hadn’t swung the murder weapon at Hannah, so Jane wasn’t sure they’d had the chops to use the wrench on Jacob, despite Abigail’s presence in the home earlier that morning. And who held Cartier hostage? What if the entire book club had worked together to pull all this off? Or the firemen? Not out of the running, after all.

Her phone buzzed on the nightstand next to Conrad. “Who messaged?” Jane asked.

He reached to pick up the device, only to pause a moment to lightly stroke a green leaf on his potted plant. One of three she’d gifted him with. One for the bungalow, the Garden, and his office. She would never forget the way he’d looked at her. As if she’d given him the world’s greatest treasure.

“It’s Lucy,” he said. “She wants to know why it feels like we’re losing.”

“Tell her–oh, never mind. I will.” Jane closed the distance and perched beside her soon-to-be husband. She muttered what she typed, “We want the killer (or killers) to think they’ve won. Just hold on for a few more hours and it will be all over.” Send.

Conrad, or rather, the AHPD, had filed zero formal charges against any suspects. There wasn’t court approved evidence. Never mind the brilliance of Jane’s suppositions. Even the array of “coincidences” and connections weren’t enough to move forward.

Still talking while she typed to Lucy, Jane said, “As grandiose as Abigail is, and as desperate as she and Maggie must be to gather information for their stories, they won’t be able to stop themselves from attending. Plus, if there’s now a copycat killer in the mix, thanks to us, they’ll want to scope everyone for clues. It’s science.” Send.

Jane put her phone away. This memorial would give her the chance to watch every person involved, all together, all at once, so, the case was as good as solved.

“This will work,” she told Conrad, in case he didn’t know. She laced her fingers with his. The fact that this might be their only chance for success, well, she didn’t let the pressure get to her. “The girls and their other partner or partners, if they have more than one, and they probably do, will make a move to advance the game, and we’ll catch them in the act.”

Tone gruff, he told her, “And you’ll play it safe the entire time. Promise me.”

“From the bottom of my heart.”

Rolex stretched and yawned, hopped from his hammock to the bed to bat at Conrad, demanding pets. Of course, the little darling quickly remembered what a fierce, independent warrior he was, hissed at the lawman, and jumped off the duvet. Cheddar napped through it all.

Conrad sat up and shifted his legs over the side of the mattress. He slid his feet into his loafers. “If anything happens to you?—”

“It won’t,” she rushed to assure him. She would’ve thrown herself against his back and given him a hug and a kiss, but a knock sounded at the door. “Come in.”

Hinges squeaked as the entrance opened. Fiona entered, a vision in navy blue, gloves and hat. Her expression softened as soon as she spotted Jane. “Oh, my darling girl. You are wow!” She pressed a hand over her heart and slid her gaze to Conrad. “You look pretty wow too.”

“He does, doesn’t he?” Jane had picked the clothes herself and for once, he’d acquiesced.

“I do,” Conrad confirmed with a wink.

Fiona clicked her tongue at them. “I came to tell you we’re ready. The finger foods need to be carted to the reflection center. Every dish you requested is there. Mini-quiches, pinwheels, chicken skewers, cucumber sandwiches, southern ambrosia salad, deviled eggs with brisket, and three different kinds of cheese straws. There’s currently five gallons of sweet tea, which will become six as soon as we fix the jug of unsweet June purchased. Don’t worry. She’ll learn. Guests are expected within the hour.”

Jane’s heart picked up speed. She hadn’t hosted a celebration of life in years. “Beau finished installing all the hidden cameras in the areas previously unwatched?” Such as the cottage and the Valley of the Dolls.

“He did.”

“And Trick and Isaac are in place?” Hidden in the mausoleum, watching camera feed. Holden remained with Lucy. How were the pair getting along?

“They are.”

Perspiration dampened Jane’s palms. “Okay then.” The killer(s) had wanted to play a game, so, they would play. And this had better work. No other option was acceptable. “To the reflection center we go.”


When in doubt, just kill everyone’s favorite character

Y’all Write Now–Advice for New Writers

by Tabby Paynes-Murksand

“Thank you for coming.” Jane shook hands with the guests as they reached the reflection center. Several people had already taken their seats on the benches that lined the area. The wisteria had begun to bud in gorgeous violet hues, scenting the air with its distinct floral, fruity notes. Beneath the branches stretched a long table, draped with delicate funeral fabric and laden with the food.

Two metal A-Frame stands flanked the podium, one displaying a photo of Lucy, her kind eyes filled with mischief, while the other featured Cartier looking every bit a million bucks.

Conrad stood at Jane’s side, a tower of support and a ready shield against trouble. Beau, Fiona, Raymond, Tiffany, and June intermingled with the growing crowd.
