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"Oh, Gabriel. Is this what you've been so afraid of? Is this why you didn’t want kids?"

I nod, not trusting my voice.

"Sweetheart, listen to me. You are not your genetics. You are not your leg or your parents. You are the man I love, the man I choose every day. And you are going to be an incredible father."

A bitter laugh catching in my throat. "How can you be so sure?"

“I know how much you care, how fiercely you protect the people who matter to you. Everything you said proves how perfect you already are for this job.”

I frown, not understanding. She reaches up to smooth the furrow between my brows, her touch impossibly tender.

"You're not worried about yourself, Gabriel. You're worried about our babies. About keeping them healthy and whole. And that’s what makes a good father. Loving your kids, putting their needs first are the only qualifications you need."

Her words hit me like a sledgehammer, cracking open some secret, yearning place that's always longed for this - for family, for belonging. For the chance to love and be loved in return, without condition or reserve.

"It won't be easy. I'm going to fuck up and get it wrong a thousand times before I get it right."

"Of course you will. So will I. That's what parenting is. Trying and failing and trying again. But we'll do it together. You and me, and these beautiful babies we've been gifted with. We'll figure it out as we go."

Together. The word echoes in my head like a promise, like a vow more sacred than any I've ever spoken. I gather this incredible woman into my arms, burying my face in the silk of her hair as emotion overwhelms me.

"Together," I rasp, the word tasting like forever on my tongue. "God, Harper. I love you so much. I never thought I could have this."

"But you can." Her arms tighten around me. "You're an amazing man, Gabriel Cross. An amazing husband, friend and lover. And you're going to be the most wonderful dad our kids could ask for."

"Our kids. Christ, we’re really having babies!"

"Three precious babies. Half you and half me and completely, totally ours."

I'm grinning like a fool now, tears streaming unchecked down my face; so fucking in love with this woman and this impossible dream made real.

"I'm going to love you, Oscar, and our three little miracles forever. I swear on everything I am that I won’t take a single second for granted."

“Forever. I like the sound of that.”

And then she's kissing me, long and slow and deep. Pouring all her love, all her hopes and dreams and unshakable faith into the press of her lips on mine.

And I'm kissing her back, with every shred of my battered, mending heart.

In this moment, I'm not the abandoned bastard or the boy with the scarred face and crooked leg. I'm not the closed-off billionaire or the man who thought he'd never be enough.

I'm Harper's husband. The father of her children. The man lucky enough to stand by her side, now and for all the days to come.

I'm hers in every way that matters. Just as she is mine.



GABRIEL'S EYES ARE dark and intense as they roam over my face, his hands restless on my hips as if he can't bear to stop touching me for even a second.

Tears sting my eyes at the naked adoration shining in his gaze. I’m so grateful this brilliant, beautiful man loves me back.

Against all odds, despite every obstacle and fear, he wants our babies and the future we'll build together.

Overwhelmed with gratitude and a love so fierce it steals my breath, I capture his lips with mine again. He responds instantly, his mouth slanting over mine with a hungry groan that sets my blood on fire.

I pour everything I'm feeling into the kiss, every ounce of joy and relief. I need him to feel how precious and cherished he is, that he means the world to me.
