Page 49 of Deadline To Murder

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“I didn’t do anything the others wouldn’t have done.”

He shook his head. “Not true. The others wouldn’t have made me fall in love with them.”

“So that’s your take on it, huh? I made you fall in love with me?”

“Absolutely. It’s all your fault. I was just helpless against your charm and beauty.”

There was a moment of silence before they both started laughing. He loved the way she laughed. It wasn’t some little ladylike trill or giggle. It was full-throated and came from deep inside her, and sometimes, if she really got tickled, according to Slade, she snorted. He was looking forward to that. He was looking forward to so many things.

“You got awfully serious all of a sudden. Are you okay? Should I take you back to the hospital?”

“No, babe. I’m fine. I was just thinking about the future.”

“Anything you care to share?”

“Yep. The whole damn thing.”

She waited, and then realization seemed to dawn on her about what he meant.

“People are going to say it was awfully fast.”

“I don’t care.”

“Some will say you’re after me for my money as an illustrious author. You should know I do okay…”

“And others will say you’re a cute little gold digger, because I’m loaded.”

“I thought the paper…”

“The paper is something I do, or did, for my uncle. He felt it was my legacy. I felt I owed it to him.”

“Even if your father was responsible for his wife’s death—and I don’t think he was—you owed your uncle nothing.”

“Thanks for saying that—that you knew my dad wasn’t responsible—because he wasn’t. A white squall can take out the best of sailors. Until I had you safe in my arms at Annette’s store, I’ve never been sorry my parents went down together. I always thought that was the way they’d want it. But tonight, when they were taking us to the hospital, I wished my mom was still here. She would have loved you so much. You need to know that.”

“I think I would have loved her, too. I know for a fact that I love her son.”

He leaned over and kissed her cheeks. “Not half as much as he loves you.”

“I’ll wait until you’re feeling better to arm wrestle you over that one.”

Once they were home, Ryker held the door open for her as she stepped into his place. He’d been kind of glad the hotel had only been able to find three rooms. He’d been wondering how he was going to get Lori here. He wanted her here, in what he knew would be their place and their bed. He wanted her to be comfortable, wanted her to like it here so even if they chose to live their lives somewhere else, they would always have this place as a vacation home or retreat.

He led her through the house to the big primary bedroom. “You can explore the house at your leisure, but right now I want you naked in my bed.” He was feeling a bit possessive.

“You do, do you? I distinctly heard the doctor saying you needed to take it easy, and that in an hour or so, that shot of painkillers was going to wear off and you’d need to take something that would pretty much put you out.”

“Then we’d better get busy.” Lori took off her clothes, folding them neatly on the dresser. Ryker walked over and placed them in the drawer. “You’re not a visitor here.”

He helped her into bed and let the moonlight play across her skin. She was the single most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, and he committed that vision to memory, as he never wanted to forget. He leaned down and kissed the lump on her head where she’d head-butted Lockwood.

“It doesn’t hurt much. I’m fine,” she said with a serene smile. “I do think, however, I’d like to have a stapler like the one I nailed Annette with for my office.”

“Where do you plan to have that office?”

“Wherever you are. I’m a writer. I can write from anywhere. If you don’t want to run the paper, don’t.”

“AP has been asking me to become a bureau chief. I’d have my choice of locales, but the paper has been in my family…”
