Page 115 of Enduring Darkness

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“No, you’re not.”

A cocky smirk tilts her lips. “Wanna bet?”

My cock hardens, and I suddenly have to fight the overwhelming impulse to push her up against the wall and do unspeakable things to her. Forcing down the urge, I instead raise my hand and point at the chair behind her.

“Sit,” I command.

Her eyes flash, but she glances over her shoulder to the chair I pointed at. It’s the empty one across the table from where I was sitting when she knocked on the door. There’s a glass of whiskey on the table in front of my chair. Nothing in front of hers.

She scoffs.

Then she saunters around the table, plops into my seat, and picks up my glass. With a look full of nonchalant challenge on her face, she holds my gaze as she raises the glass to her lips and drinks.

Blood rushes to my cock yet again as I stare at her. But this time, I have to fight down the impulse to bend her over the table instead and then do unspeakable things to her.

Flexing my fingers, I draw in a steadying breath as I stalk back to the liquor cabinet and retrieve another glass.

How does she always manage to do this? How can she draw these violent emotions out of my unfeeling body almost without even doing anything?

After filling my own glass, I walk back to the table and grab the back of the chair she was supposed to be sitting in. It scrapes loudly against the dark wooden floorboards as I slowly pull it out. Alina just watches me, faint amusement dancing in her eyes.

A soft thud sounds as I put the glass down on the table in front of me and then sit down. Alina removes her purse and puts it down on the chair next to her in a way that almost makes her look like a fighter who’s getting ready to throw down. I suppress a chuckle.

“So,” Alina begins. “We need to talk.”


Leaning sideways, I reach for the black folder that I had placed a little farther down the table. Since it’s now on her side of the table, the move is less smooth than I would’ve preferred.

She just watches me as I open the folder and pull out some sheets of paper. After snapping the folder shut again, I set it down next to me and then slide the documents across the table to her. She makes no move to take them. In fact, she barely even looks at them.

After flicking a pointed glance down at them, she meets my gaze and raises her eyebrows in a highly arrogant move.

Dark anticipation curls around my spine.

Oh, I can’t fucking wait to wipe that cocky arrogance from her features. Can’t wait to see her beautiful face full of shock. Her wide gray eyes flooding with fear. Can’t wait to hear her soft voice tremble as she begs me for mercy.

“What’s this?” she says, still holding my gaze with that cocky expression.

“These are the secrets about your family that you have shared with me.”

Drawing back a little, she frowns at me. “What secrets?”

“Business secrets. Financial secrets.” I hold her stare, a vicious smirk curving my lips as I finish with, “Personal secrets.”

At last, she breaks eye contact and looks down at the documents before her. Paper rustles as she picks up the first one and quickly scans the text written there.

Her eyes widen.

Picking up the next document, she skims that one as well.

I watch shock and confusion pulse across her face as she reads through them all.

With a smug smile on my face, I lift my whiskey glass and take a sip while I wait for Alina to finish.

Outside the window, the night is dark but far from silent. Thumping music from Lefevere’s party can faintly be heard even through the closed windows. I tap my fingers expectantly on the smooth wooden tabletop as I set down my glass again.

Finally, Alina looks up from the papers and stares at me, her eyes still wide with surprise and confusion. “How did you get this information?”
