Page 136 of Enduring Darkness

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Ten hours later, anger still courses through me like molten fire. It’s so intense that I can barely hear myself think over the loud pounding in my ears as I stalk across Blackwater’s residential area and towards Kaden and Jace’s house.

Since it’s a Sunday evening, the streets are full of people going about their business. Some heading home to get a good night’s sleep before classes start again tomorrow morning, and others heading out to train. Normally, people don’t move out of the way when they see me coming. But one look at my face, and everyone I meet on the sidewalk shifts to the side to let me pass.

God, I can’t believe that my family actually kidnapped Kaden!

Lingering fear and panic pulse through me, mixing with the anger, as the image of my father putting his guns to Kaden’s knees flashes through my mind again. I screamed so loudly in that control room that I almost shattered the monitors. And when he pulled the triggers, my heart stopped. Even though there turned out to be no bullets in his guns, I don’t think I will ever forgive my father for that.

Strong winds blow in from the distant forest and whirl between the buildings, bringing with them the scent of pine trees and warm stone. I draw in a deep breath in an effort to calm the raging fury inside as I close the final distance to the Hunters’ house.

After Kaden and his family left our house this morning, he sent me a text informing me that they had gone back to their own home in the city, which I was able to read once my own family finally had released me from the control room and given me back my phone. While he spent the rest of the day trying to get his family to stand down instead of declaring open war on mine, I had simply informed my family that if they ever did something like that again, they would never see me again. Then I took my mother’s car without permission and drove back to Blackwater alone.

Ten minutes ago, Kaden finally texted me to tell me that he had managed to get his family to stand down, and that he and Jace are back at Blackwater as well.

My heart patters nervously as I walk the final distance up to their door and knock on it. I know that Kaden won’t hurt me. But after the absolute shit show this morning, I’m not so sure about Jace. Hopefully, he won’t be the one opening the door.

As if misfortune itself had heard me, the door is pushed open to reveal Jace. His brown eyes are hard and his massive body blocks the entire doorframe as he crosses his toned arms over his chest and looks down at me. The muscles in his chest and arms strain against the white t-shirt he’s wearing.

I swallow and just look up at him, not quite sure what to say. A simple hi seems woefully inadequate.

“You here to kidnap my brother again?” he asks.

“No,” I reply, shifting my weight self-consciously while holding his gaze. “I swear, I didn’t know that they were going to kidnap him. Once I found out, I tried to call for help but they locked me in the control room.”

He is silent for a while. My heart slams against my ribs. I feel like I’m standing before a merciless god who is weighing my soul.

“You’re the one who unlocked the doors for us, aren’t you?” he asks at last. “From the control room.”


“How did you know that we weren’t going to kill your family the moment we walked into the room?”

“I didn’t.”

He falls silent again, watching me with unreadable eyes. Then he nods slowly and uncrosses his arms.

Taking a step to the side, he jerks his chin at me. “Come on in.”

Relief flutters through me, and I step across the threshold and into the dark wooden hallway beyond.

Leaning out, Jace grabs the door handle and pulls the door shut behind me while calling, “Kaden! Alina’s here.” He turns to me. “Want a drink?”

“To be honest, I could use more than one.”

“Same.” He lets out a huff of amusement. But then something that looks an awful lot like guilt blows across his features, and he repeats in a dead voice, “Same.”

Confusion pulls at my brows, but before I can ask what that was all about, he starts towards the kitchen and motions for me to follow. From upstairs, the sound of a door being opened and closed drifts through the otherwise silent house.

I follow Jace into the kitchen while slow footsteps start towards the stairs above.

Glasses clink as Jace pulls some out of a cabinet and sets them down on the kitchen island. Then he uncorks a bottle of whiskey and fills the two glasses with more liquid than would be considered decent. He slides one of them towards me right as Kaden walks into the room.

Ignoring the glass, I spin around and face Kaden. My mouth is already open, an apology about to spill out, when I take in the state of him.

Jerking back in shock, I blink and can only stare at him for a few seconds.

There is a massive bruise on his jaw from where my father hit him. But more than that, he looks pale and unsteady.

“What’s wrong?” I blurt out, fear slicing through me.
