Page 137 of Enduring Darkness

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But he just closes the distance between us and wraps his arms around me. Pulling me to him, he holds me tightly and kisses the top of my head. A long sigh escapes his chest.

With my arms around his muscular body, I hold on to him as if my life depends on it. My heart thumps hard in my chest, beating against his. And for a few seconds, I just stand like that, holding him and reminding myself that he’s here. That we’re here. That he’s okay.

But given the state of him, he is apparently not okay.

Tilting my head up, I meet his gaze. “Why are you so pale?”

He just shakes his head. “It’s nothing.”

“It’s because he’s been puking his guts up half of the day,” Jace supplies from behind my back. “Side effect from whatever it was that they drugged him with. Fucking hell, I should’ve—”

“How many times do I have to tell you,” Kaden snaps, interrupting him. Seriousness pulses across his face as he holds his brother’s gaze with hard eyes. “It was not your fault.”

Releasing Kaden, I turn around to find Jace pacing the floor like a caged wolf. Half of the whiskey in his glass is already gone.

Guilt and regret swirl in Jace’s eyes as he looks at his brother. “I should’ve been here.”

“You’re my brother,” Kaden replies. “Not my babysitter.”

“I still should’ve—”

“Don’t make me fucking repeat myself.” He shoots a pointed look down at the glass in Jace’s hand. “And ease up on the fucking drinking. I’m the only one who’s allowed to puke my guts up in this house today.”

The muscles in Jace’s arms shift as he flexes his fingers in frustration. Then he slams the half-full glass down on the island and stalks towards the doorway. After giving Kaden one more look full of pain and regret, he disappears into the hallway. A few seconds later, his footsteps echo from the stairs, heading up.

Kaden heaves a deep sigh and rakes his fingers through his hair. Shaking his head, he walks over to the sink and grabs another glass before filling it up with water. After draining the whole thing, he refills it and then turns to me.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper before he can get a single word out.

He draws his dark brows down and levels a commanding stare on me. “Don’t apologize for something you didn’t do.”

“But it was my insane family that did it.”

His mouth quirks in a half-smile as he nods towards the spot where Jace disappeared. “And mine is any saner?”

A laugh escapes my throat. It’s full of relief and guilt and desperation and joy all in one.

This whole day, I’ve been so high-strung that it feels as if my very soul is vibrating with pent-up tension.

Keeping one hand on the island for support, I stagger around it on legs that are suddenly wobbling. Kaden immediately sets his glass down and comes to meet me. I slam into his chest, barely able to stop my momentum once I had started moving. Wrapping my arms around him, I hold him tightly while my whole body shakes.

He slides his arms around my trembling body, holding me tightly, and bends down to rest his cheek on the top of my head.

“You would have let them cripple you,” I press out in a choked sob.

“You would’ve been worth it.”

My restraint shatters. The floodgates burst open and all the emotions that I’ve been bottling up just start pouring out of me. Clinging to Kaden like a life raft in a terrible storm, I cry into his chest so hard that my body shakes.

He just stands there, holding me tightly and stroking a hand over my hair while I bawl my eyes out.

Once my tears have poured all of those emotions out of my body, I suck in a ragged breath to compose myself. But I feel so completely drained that I don’t dare let go of Kaden. If I do, I will simply crumple to the ground.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper against his chest, suddenly feeling embarrassed about my breakdown.

He continues stroking my hair with gentle movements. “Don’t be.”

“I’m not usually this weak.”
