Page 151 of Enduring Darkness

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“God, you’re gorgeous,” a stunned voice suddenly says.

I spin around to find Kaden standing there. It looks like he just walked through the door and then forgot where he was going once he spotted me. Warmth spreads through me, heating my cheeks, both at his words and at the breathless tone of his voice.

His mouth is slightly open as he rakes his gaze up and down my body.

“I don’t think you’re supposed to use God’s name like that in a church,” I tease, drifting closer to him while trying to force my flushed cheeks to cool down.

A mischievous glint appears in Kaden’s dark eyes. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” He grins at me. “Was that better?”

I laugh, coming to a halt in front of him. Tilting my head back, I drink in the sight of him while my heart skips several beats.

The first time I saw him, I thought he looked beautiful but in a severe way. Like an ice sculpture. And he still does. With his sharp cheekbones and piercing dark eyes and straight black hair, he still looks beautiful and dangerous like a sharp shard of ice. As if simply touching him would be enough to draw blood. It’s part of what drew me to him in the first place. The danger. The power. The cold control he always wields.

But now I also know the roaring wildfire that burns inside of him. To the outside world, it might look like he is completely emotionless. But I know him better. I know the real him. I know that he feels emotions even more strongly than anyone else I have ever met.

He would slaughter entire countries to keep me safe. And he would burn the world down for me if I so much as asked him. He loves me with such intensity that the universe itself would tremble before it.

And I love him with the same insane fire.

He sees me. The real me. And he loves everything that he sees. He doesn’t try to shut me away. Instead, he wants me right there next to him. He makes me a better version of me. Stronger. Smarter. Even more ruthless.

Reaching up, I draw my hands along his sharp jaw. A shudder of pleasure rolls through him, as it usually does when I touch him. Even after all this time.

“I saw my father and brothers corner you out there,” I begin. “What did they say?”

His dark eyes glint. “They put a gun to my spine and told me that they would make me a quadriplegic if I ever hurt you.”

A half amused, half exasperated laugh rips from my chest. Letting my hand drop back down, I shake my head at my infuriating family before fixing Kaden with a knowing look. Amusement plays over my lips.

“A bit too late for that, don’t you think?” I tease. “Given everything you did to me when we first met?”

He reaches up and wraps a hand around my jaw. Leaning forward, he flashes me a villainous smile and slants his lips over mine. “I have never done anything that you couldn’t handle.”

Heat ripples through me as he steals a kiss before releasing my jaw. Outside the door, the music starts playing. My heart lurches. It’s time.

Kaden turns around to face the door while I move so that I’m standing next to him.

“Well,” I begin, casting him a look from the corner of my eye. “If it makes you feel better, your father tried to convince me to call off the wedding too.”

Arching an eyebrow, he glances down at me. “And what did you say?”

“I told him very politely to fuck off.”

He laughs.

The sound of it goes straight into my soul, filling it with sparkling warmth.

With the most incredible light dancing in his eyes, he smiles and holds out an arm to me. “Well then. Shall we do this?”

I take his arm. “Yes.”

A brilliant smile spreads across my face as Kaden and I walk down the aisle side by side.

My father is not walking me down the aisle to hand me over to Kaden. Because I’m not a possession that can be given away from one male relative to another man. No. Kaden and I walk down the aisle together. Because we are entering this marriage as equals.

Everyone shifts in their seats to watch us as we walk past the rows of wooden pews and towards the priest. Candles flicker from the faint draft it creates, making the tiny flames glitter in the gold decorations throughout the church. I smile, my hand still on Kaden’s arm, as we close the final distance to the waiting priest.

Happiness bubbles inside me.
