Page 61 of Enduring Darkness

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He watches me in silence for a second, as if debating whether or not to yank me off his pristine desk. But in the end, he just closes his bedroom door and then strides closer to me where I’m sitting.

Crossing his arms over his muscular chest, he stares me down.

“You said you had a proposal for me.” He drags his gaze over my body before meeting my eyes again. A sly smile plays over his lips. “Let’s hear it then.”

My heart pounds in my chest as I reply, “We let out this aggressive tension between us once and for all.”

Silence falls over the room as Kaden just watches me with an unreadable expression on that ice sculpture face of his. My heart hammers so loudly against my ribs that I’m certain he can hear it.

“What does that mean?” Kaden asks at last.

“You know what it means.”

“Spell it out.”

I draw in shallow breaths, feeling like my heart is going to jump out of my chest. From two steps away, Kaden watches me with a dark intensity that only makes it worse. I lick my lips. Nonchalantly leaning back on my hands, I curl my fingers around the edge of the desk in the space between it and the wall while I spread my legs ever so slightly.

“We fuck each other.”

My stomach flips and my pulse thunders the moment that the words have left my mouth. For a few seconds, Kaden says nothing. Which certainly isn’t helping the wild thrashing in my chest.

Then he scoffs, and flicks a disgusted look over my body. “As if I would ever fuck a Petrov.”

Embarrassment sears through me, making my cheeks burn. Which is, of course, exactly what the psycho wanted. And I know that. So instead of falling for his insult, I sit up straight again and shoot him a pointed look back.

“Don’t think I haven’t seen the way you look at me,” I challenge, holding his gaze. “The way you study every inch of my face when I orgasm. The way your gaze drinks in every curve of my body. You want to fuck me just as badly as I…” I stop myself before I can finish the sentence.

Because while it’s true that I did come here on a mission, I can’t deny the fact that I actually want to fuck Kaden too. All those times that he has made me come with a vibrator or a rope or by some other impersonal method, I’ve kept wondering what it would be like to actually sleep with him. For real. To feel his hands on my naked skin. To have his lethal body pin me to a mattress. To know what it truly feels like to be fucked by someone like Kaden Hunter.

“As badly as you… what?” Kaden picks up, because of course he’s not going to let that slide.

“As badly as I want to fuck you,” I admit, averting my gaze while another wave of heat surges into my cheeks.

Kaden moves closer. Placing his strong hands on my thighs, he spreads my legs wide and then steps in between them so that he is standing only a breath away. His absolutely intoxicating scent wraps around my senses, making my heart thunder and my skin heat.

After sliding his hands a little higher up my thighs, enough to send a throbbing pulse through my clit, he removes them. My heart stutters as he instead draws one hand up my throat and then takes my chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting my head back up. There is a smug smirk on his lips when I at last meet his gaze again.

“You want to fuck me that badly, huh?” he taunts.

I try to slap his hand away from my chin, but it doesn’t move an inch. Amusement dances in his eyes.

“You want to fuck me just as badly,” I retort. “Don’t try to pretend otherwise.” I fix him with a stare pulsing with challenge. “So let’s just do it and get it over with.”

“We’re enemies,” he points out.

“Enemies with benefits tonight, then.”

He chuckles.

“One angry violent fuck,” I propose.

“And then what?”

“Then we walk away.”

He raises a dark eyebrow.

“I’m not involved in this war you have with my brothers,” I say. “So you and I get all of this tension between us out of the way tonight, and then we go our separate ways.”
