Page 62 of Enduring Darkness

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“Tension?” he taunts.

Releasing my chin, he leans down and slants his lips over mine. His breaths caress my mouth and dance over my skin. My spine tingles, and I desperately try to remember how to breathe.

He smirks against my mouth, just a fraction away from brushing his lips against mine. “What tension?”

I grab the front of his black shirt and yank his mouth down to mine.

Our lips clash in a violent kiss. I bite his bottom lip hard, and he responds by forcing his tongue into my mouth and sliding his hand into my hair. Gathering up my long ponytail in one hand, he starts winding it around his fist until he has a firm grip on my hair and full control over my head.

He pulls down, using his grip on my hair to force me to tilt my head back farther.

Then he dominates my mouth.

There is no other word for it.

Lightning flickers through my brain and I forget how to breathe as his demanding lips and tongue force me into submission. I tighten my grip on his shirt, holding him pressed against me as he continues stealing my sanity and the very air from my lungs. My pussy throbs with need at the fury and control in this simple kiss.

I gasp into his mouth as a sense of vertigo crashes into me.

If this is how the psycho kisses, then what the hell is it going to feel like when he fucks me?

Wrapping my legs around his waist, I pull his body harder against mine until his cock is pressed against my pussy. Desperate need pulses through me when I feel that massive hard bulge through the fabric of our clothes.

Kaden slides his arm underneath my ass, and I lock my ankles together behind his back as he lifts me up from the desk as if I weigh nothing. I release his shirt and knit my fingers together behind his neck instead as he turns around and walks us towards the bed while still continuing to effortlessly dominate my mouth.

My stomach lurches as he practically throws me down onto his bed.

The mattress bounces and his black sheets crinkle as I land on it. Blinking against the disorienting loss of his mouth and nearness of his body, I suck in a shuddering breath and scramble to untangle myself from my own limbs.

“Take off your shirt.” The command splits the air like a blade.

A dark thrill races up my spine as my fingers fumble with the hem of my shirt. Then I pull it over my head and toss it to the floor. I wasn’t wearing a bra underneath it, so my nipples immediately harden at the exposure.

Kaden’s eyes darken as he zeroes in on them.

My heart pounds in my chest.

I start in surprise as he suddenly yanks up a hand and gives my chest a hard shove. I slam back first onto the soft mattress.

Before I can recover, strong hands appear around my ankles. I let out a yelp as Kaden yanks me towards him until my legs are hanging off the side of the bed. Raising my head, I find him unbuttoning my pants.

Heat pools at my core as he curls his fingers over the edge of both my pants and panties, and then yanks them down. My skin prickles as my final remaining garments join my shirt on the floor.

Completely naked, I stare up at Kaden.

He stands there between my spread legs, looming over me like a beautiful devil ready to punish a wicked sinner. The ache between my legs intensifies, and I find myself panting. God, I want him to fuck me. Hard.

“Why aren’t you taking your clothes off?” I manage to press out while my heart does strange things in my chest.

“Why would I do that?” A cruel smile curls his lips. “I told you, I don’t fuck Petrovs.”

Anger shoots through me like a lightning strike. Oh hell no, he’s not going to kiss me like that and strip me naked like this and then leave me hanging.

“I hate you so fucking much,” I snarl at him.

He leans down over me, his expression dark and dangerous. “What did you say?”

My heart beats wildly in my chest, and I crawl backwards across the bed to put some distance between us. I don’t make it far. He moves like a damn viper.
