Page 67 of Enduring Darkness

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Gritting my teeth, I glare down at my chest and the barely functioning organ inside that somehow seems to sputter to life every time Alina Petrov does fucking anything.

After saying something else, Alina gives the other three girls a wave and walks across the lawn and towards the street.

I slink back between the two houses and then follow her as she starts walking through the residential area. Since I know that she is most likely heading back to her house, I move until I reach a narrow passage between two long apartment buildings. I wait for Alina to reach the halfway point. Then I take a step out and position myself right between the buildings, blocking her exit.

She jerks back in shock. Surprise then gives way to annoyance, and then to panic when she realizes how confined and private this space is.

Her gaze darts towards a passageway a few steps ahead of her that leads to the right.

I take a step forward.

She bolts towards the passageway.

Just like I wanted her to.

A smug laugh escapes my chest as I quickly close the distance to the passageway that she ran into. I reach it before Alina can come sprinting back out of it.

Her big gray eyes widen as I stride into the narrow space. She screeches to a halt and casts a glance over her shoulder. There is a tall wooden fence there, blocking her way.

With a sadistic smile on my mouth, I advance on her.

She swallows as she backs away. But her back hits the wooden fence after only a few steps. Worry blows across her face as she casts a quick look up towards the top of the solid fence. I could definitely reach it and climb over it, but she is far too short for that. She seems to realize that too because her gaze quickly returns to me.

“Kaden,” she says. It’s something between a greeting, a question, and a plea.

“Alina,” I reply.

Another kind of emotion flits across her face for a second. I narrow my eyes. Was that…? Is she disappointed that I didn’t call her little doe? My non-functioning heart does that strange thing again where it beats erratically for a moment.

Anger courses through me as I curse myself. Humiliation and fear. That’s what I’m here for. Nothing else.

“I need to get home,” she says, flicking a glance towards the exit behind me. Then she starts moving as if to skirt around me. “My brothers are—”

I yank out two throwing knives and hurl them into the wall right next to her head.

She yelps, jerking back and pressing herself against the fence.

“Did I say that you could move?” I demand.

Fear washes over her beautiful features. Good. Fear is what I came to instill in this troublesome fucking Russian.

Her wide eyes are locked on mine. Then her gaze darts up towards one of the knives now buried in the wood right next to her.

Disbelief clangs through me. I just threw a fucking knife at her head, don’t tell me that she’s going to—

She yanks out the knife.

For a moment, all I can do is stare at her.

She did.

Even though fear still flickers in her eyes, she holds the knife out before her with a steady hand.

My entire soul is suddenly flooded with an overwhelming urge to rip her clothes off and fuck her against the wall while she holds that knife to my throat.

I shake my head. Focus, God damn it.

Staring her down, I make my voice low and menacing as I demand, “Do you remember what I told you I do to people who touch my knives without permission?”
