Page 90 of Enduring Darkness

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“Indeed.” Picking up my utensils again, I hurry to change the topic. “So, what were you saying earlier about—”

A jolt shoots through me.

My knife and fork clatter down on the plate as I drop them in shock.

“Are you alright?” Josh asks, blinking at me in surprise from across the table.

For a moment, I can’t figure out what the hell happened.

But then it happens again.

Vibrations pulse through my pussy.

I suck in a sharp breath, and then have to bite my tongue hard to stop a moan.

Disbelief once more clangs inside my skull as I stare down into my lap.

The egg vibrator. It’s still inside me. Underneath the chastity belt.

Raising my gaze, I scan the crowded restaurant until I find my own personal torture master.

Kaden is standing halfway across the room, nonchalantly leaning one shoulder against the wall while holding his phone in the other. His thumb moves across the screen.

Another burst of intense vibrations pulse through me.

I jerk in my seat, gripping the edge of the table hard while clamping my jaw shut to stop a whimper of pleasure.

A truly villainous smirk spreads across Kaden’s lethally handsome face.

Tightening my fingers around the edge of the table, I glare at him while the vibrations silently continue to buzz inside me.

I am going to fucking kill him.



Wicked satisfaction swirls inside my chest as I watch Alina desperately try to keep a grip on her sanity. I’m seated at a table a short distance from theirs and at an angle where I can both see every glorious flicker of emotion on Alina’s face and her entire body. There is an untouched plate of salad before me, which I had to order so that I could get a table, but the only item on the tabletop that I care about is my phone. It sits there, screen up and unlocked, with the app that controls the vibrator open at all times.

Alina keeps a polite expression on her face as she nods at something her date said, but there is a tightness in her jaw. The rich idiot seated across from her doesn’t seem to notice that, though.

He motions with his hands while he continues to talk about something utterly meaningless. Alina’s hands, however, are resting on the tabletop. It might look casual to everyone else, but I can see how she is squeezing them, as if bracing for something.

I don’t know what she’s so frustrated about. It’s been three whole minutes since the last time I reminded her pussy of who controls it.

The rich dumbass stops gesturing with his hands and instead leans forward. His right hand moves towards Alina’s arm.

I slide my finger over the screen.

Alina flinches as the vibrations start back up again. While clenching her jaw hard, she flicks a glance down to where her date is almost brushing his hand against her forearm. She quickly yanks her hands back and puts them in her lap instead.

Smug satisfaction ripples through me.

Sliding my finger over the screen, I turn off the vibrations again.

At their table, Alina blows out a discreet breath, the tension in her body easing slightly.

And because I am an absolute sadist and a merciless psycho, that immediately makes me turn on the vibrations again.
