Page 124 of Irresistible Darkness

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His brown curls are still damp from the shower, and they have been swept back from his face in the hottest fucking way I have ever seen. And to top it all off, he’s only wearing a pair of sweatpants.

I stare at his sculpted body. At the lone drop of water that runs down from his hair, over his neck, and then down his bare chest. At the absolutely sinful V that disappears down into his pants.

Heat pulses through me.

“Ah,” Jace says, sounding entirely too pleased with himself. “I see that you’ve finally found something interesting.”

With great effort, I tear my gaze from his body and snap it back up to his face. Then I arch a pointed brow in silent question.

He just shrugs casually as he saunters towards me. “You only told me to shower. You didn’t specify that I had to put on a shirt afterwards.”

His eyes glint as he closes the distance between us until he is standing so close that my back is pressed against the bookshelves behind me. He trails two fingers up my throat before placing them underneath my chin, tilting my head back so that I meet his gaze. Lightning skitters across my skin at his touch.

“And now that you’re properly distracted,” he begins, a wicked smile on his face. “I can finally trick you into answering my questions. Namely, how are you here? Where is your new bodyguard?”

A matching grin spreads across my own mouth as I give him a knowing look. “Oh, he’s probably still waiting for me to come out of a café restroom.”

Jace raises his eyebrows in surprise.

I chuckle. “Oh, I’ve pulled that same trick on at least half a dozen bodyguards before you.” I narrow my eyes at him. “Though no one else has been as annoyingly perceptive as you.”

I can practically see Jace’s ego inflate. But before I can poke a hole it in again, a serious expression blows across his features, and he studies me with intense eyes.

“But I thought…” he begins and then trails off before finishing with, “when you didn’t answer my calls or texts.”

Slipping a hand into my pocket, I pull out the brand-new phone that I had to get after Dad confiscated my old one. Jace glances at the phone, and understanding floods his face without me even having to say it.

“Oh,” he says.

“Yeah.” I slide my phone back into my pocket. “And I couldn’t exactly find your phone number again by just searching for it on Google. Since you’re… well, you.”

He grimaces. “I was worried that you blamed me for screwing things up for you and getting you stuck with another overbearing bodyguard.”

“Why would I blame you for that? I’m the one who suggested that we should start dating even though you were still working for my father.” I roll my eyes at his silliness, and slap his chest with the back of my hand. “Moron.”

A relieved laugh escapes his lips. Then that seriousness returns, and he searches my face again. “So, where do we go from here? You’re still stuck with a new bodyguard who will shoot me on sight.”

“Yeah, Dad is… kind of pissed.”

“Kind of?”

“Okay, very pissed. But that’s probably because he actually saw us naked like that. If he’d just heard about it, he wouldn’t be nearly this furious.”

“Thank hell he didn’t walk in when I had you bent over that table then.” His eyes gleam with mischief. “Or when you were crawling up to me naked.”

Mortification crashes over me at just the thought of my dad seeing that. “Oh God. I think I would’ve shot myself if he had seen that.” Shaking my head, I shove that horrifying thought aside. “Anyway, yes, he’s angry right now. But it will pass. And then we can start dating publicly again.”

“And until then?”

“Until then, we’ll have to keep our distance. We can talk on the phone, but I can’t sneak off to see you. It will only work against us.”

He heaves a deep sigh and rests his forehead against mine. “Fuck.”

“Are you…” I begin. My heart is suddenly slamming in my chest, and I flex my hand nervously. “Are you okay with that? I mean, I remember that you told me that you’re usually pretty… uhm, active.”

Jace frowns down at me, confusion evident on his face.

“So, we don’t have to be exclusive during that time if you don’t want to?—”
