Page 126 of Irresistible Darkness

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All three of them chuckle. Rico even winks at me.

Warmth spreads through my soul.

And just like that, I feel like I’m a part of the family.



“The sheer amount of wicked, depraved revenge I’m going to inflict on you for that is going to be fucking biblical,” I threaten Kayla as the two of us at last walk into the combined kitchen and living room to join my three infuriating brothers.

Kayla just laughs and then wiggles her eyebrows at me, challenge dancing in her bright blue eyes.

Huffing out a breath of grudging amusement, I shake my head at her. Little demon, indeed.

“That was fast,” Eli comments as we enter the room.

They’re all standing around the kitchen island. Eli is leaning over it, eating the leftover pasta I put in the fridge yesterday, while Rico is scowling at the mess of empty bottles and glasses that litter the surface. Kaden just watches me while he casually spins a knife in his hand.

“Yeah,” Kaden picks up, his dark eyes glinting as he holds my gaze while speaking to Eli. “But isn’t he kind of famous for always blowing his load too quickly, though?”

Kayla chokes on a laugh. I shoot her a sharp look before shifting my glare to my brothers. As we reach the kitchen island, I also snatch up the bat waiting there and level it at them.

“I will crack your skulls,” I warn.

Kaden snickers. Next to him, Rico rolls his eyes while Eli snorts. The bastard also continues eating my food.

“I was saving that,” I tell him.

Eli just keeps eating. “That right?” Then he looks up and meets my gaze, golden eyes glinting with sly amusement. “Guess you should’ve been faster.”

“I am not a quick draw, you motherfucker,” I growl. “I will have you know that I am excellent at foreplay and?—”

“No one wants to hear about your sex life, Golden,” Rico interrupts.

“Unless it’s to tell us that Kayla is making you wear a French maid costume,” Kaden adds, a smirk on his face. His eyes are full of dark delight as he slides his gaze to Kayla. “Then I want to hear all about it.”

I point the bat in his direction. “You are the one who is wearing the French maid costume, you whipped little?—”

“Why do you call him that?” Kayla suddenly asks, interrupting our bickering.

We all turn to face her. There is genuine curiosity on her face as she looks at the four of us.

“Golden,” she clarifies. “Why do you call him Golden?”

“Don’t—” I begin, but my bastard of a brother cuts me off.

“Because he has the attention span of a golden retriever puppy,” Eli says.

Narrowing my eyes, I glare at him.

Kayla bursts out laughing. Doubling over, she wraps her arms around her stomach and laughs so hard that tears line her eyes.

“Oh my God,” she gasps out between fits of laughter. Bracing herself on the edge of the island, she straightens and wipes away tears of laughter before looking between me and my brothers. Her entire face is full of sparkling joy. “You’re right! He really is just like a golden retriever puppy.”

All three of my brothers chuckle. I shoot them death glares before leveling a threatening stare on Kayla.

“You, little demon, are already utterly fucked after what you pulled in the study,” I remind her. “Are you sure you want to keep digging your own grave deeper?”
