Page 147 of Irresistible Darkness

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The others burst out laughing.

“Assholes,” I call as they slam their doors shut.

Shaking my head, I watch as their black Range Rovers speed away. Only the crackling fire and the collapsing building hear me as I add two more words.

“Thank you,” I say to my absolutely unhinged brothers. My brothers, who I now know, without a doubt, will always have my back. Against anything and everything.

After one final glance towards the burning building and the absolute carnage that we left inside, I climb into my own car and drive back to Kayla’s apartment.

She is still awake, sitting at the kitchen table alone and waiting for me, when I walk across the threshold. Jumping up from her chair, she takes two steps towards me before she screeches to a halt. Her eyes go wide as she flicks a glance up and down my body.

“Please tell me it’s not yours,” she says.

I blink in surprise for a second before realization filters through me. Oh. Right. The blood that is splattered across both my clothes and my skin.

“No, it’s not mine,” I assure her.

Relief washes over her features, and she closes the distance between us. Her body slams into mine so hard that she almost manages to knock me back a step. Wrapping her arms around me, she holds me tightly. I slide my arms around her and rest my chin on her head.

And at the feeling of having her in my arms, safe and completely free at last, the final tension and restlessness that had been coiled in my chest at last eases.

I draw in a deep breath, breathing in the scent of her.

“You will never have to worry again,” I promise her. “You’re free now. You never need to have a bodyguard looming over your shoulder and watching your every move ever again.”

Something between a sob and a choked noise of joy and relief escapes her lips. Relaxing her grip on me, she takes a step back and then tilts her head so that she can meet my gaze. The emotions in her eyes knock the breath from my lungs.

“How?” she asks, sounding breathless. As if she can barely believe it.

I draw my fingers over her cheek, pushing a strand of hair back behind her ear. It smears blood over her perfect skin, but she doesn’t seem to mind.

“We made a very bloody example of Doyle and everyone who was involved in your kidnapping,” I explain. “So now, everyone knows that you and your parents are under the protection of the Hunter family. Anyone who touches you dies. Brutally and painfully.”

Her stunning blue eyes light up, and then a truly devilish smile spreads across her lips. “And anyone who so much as whispers about pressing any sort of charges against the Hunter family will be buried underneath a mountain of lawsuits and ridiculously expensive lawyers.”

My eyebrows shoot up.

“What?” she asks, fake innocence in her tone. With that wicked smile still on her lips, she takes a firm grip on my shirt and pulls my face down to hers. “I protect what’s mine too.”

Sliding an arm under her ass, I lift her up. She wraps her legs around my waist and locks her fingers together behind my neck.

“So…” she begins, teasing her lips over mine. “You’re not my bodyguard anymore.”

“No, I’m not.”

Pulling back slightly, she cocks her head and meets my gaze, her eyes suddenly serious. “Does that mean that you’re leaving?”

“Leaving?” I flash her a villainous smile as I hold her gaze. “Oh, you’re not getting rid of me that easily, little demon.”

An answering grin lights up her face.

I claim those perfect, sinful lips of hers with a kiss so possessive that it leaves her gasping.

“I thought you knew by now,” I whisper against her mouth. “There is nowhere you can go that I won’t follow. You are mine. And I will always find you.”

She kisses me back with such burning passion that my heart flips and my lungs cease.

This fierce, stubborn, powerful, scheming, and absolutely breathtaking little demon is mine. She barreled into my life like a crackling piece of dynamite and changed everything. She fills my soul and she holds my heart in the palm of her hand. She drives me crazy. She makes me sane. She is fire and energy. She makes me whole.
