Page 149 of Irresistible Darkness

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Silence falls over the kitchen for a few seconds.

Then Jace and I burst out laughing. Isabella once more shakes her head at us while Rico and Kaden exchange a knowing look and take a sip from their wine.

Eli and Raina, who were dead serious, just glance between us as if they don’t understand why we’re laughing.

Then a scheming glint creeps into Raina’s green eyes, and she turns back to Eli. “I do like the sound of visible mark of ownership, though.”

A considering expression has descended on Eli’s features as well, and he nods slowly as he holds her gaze. “So do I.”

“Perhaps we need to reconsider this whole marriage thing.”

“Perhaps we do.”

Before anyone else can say anything, the front door is opened. We all turn to look as Alina sweeps into the room, her long blonde hair fluttering behind her. Wicked glee pulses through me at the sight of the two large white boxes in her arms.

“Sorry it took so long,” she says as she practically skips across the floor towards us. There is a matching smile full of wicked anticipation on her lips as well, and she winks at me as she reaches the island. “But I promise it will be worth it.”

Kaden, who is casually spinning a knife in his hand, arches a dark brow. “What’s going on?”

“We bought you gifts,” Alina replies, that brilliant scheming smile still on her mouth.

She hands one of the boxes to me. The others shift their glasses aside so that we can put the boxes down on the island. Alina places hers in front of Kaden while I saunter over to set mine down in front of Jace. He pushes the cutting board aside and sets down the knife he was using to chop scallions.

“You have been talking about it for so long,” I say. “So we figured that it was finally time for you to have your very own set.”

Jace and Kaden exchange a look of confusion. Around the island, the others watch us with similar expressions of befuddlement. Eli cocks his head, studying Kaden’s box next to him as if he is trying to see through the white cardboard. To Jace’s left, Rico stops grinding the herbs and instead picks up his wine glass. A considering look blows across his features as he glances down at Jace’s box while drinking from his wine.

“Well, open them,” I say.

After Kaden slides his knife back into its holster, he and Jace exchange one more look. Then they shrug and grab the lid on their respective boxes. They lift them off at the same time.

Rico spits his wine across the counter.

Isabella gasps.

Raina grins like a little villain.

And Eli doubles over, his laughter booming across the apartment.

Absolute astonishment pulses across Jace and Kaden’s faces as they hold up matching French maid costumes.

“I expect you to already be wearing it when I walk into our bedroom tonight,” I tell Jace.

Alina gives Kaden a nod. “Same.”

Eli is laughing so hard that it sounds like he’s choking. Rico actually is choking on his wine as he tries to breathe and laugh and swallow at the same time. Across the counter, Isabella is pressing a hand over her mouth to stop her own laughter. But her shoulders shake with it.

Raina’s green eyes glitter like emeralds as she raises her glass at me and Alina in a salute. “I think you just became my new favorite people.”

Thuds echo across the room as Eli slaps his palm against the marble countertop while he continues laughing like he can’t breathe.

Kaden narrows his eyes as he yanks out a knife and points it at his older brother. “I will fucking stab you.”

Eli just laughs harder.

Alina and I exchange a smug grin full of victory.

“I know you’ve always been part of the family,” Eli presses out as he tries to rein in his laughter. His golden eyes glint in the light from the setting sun as he looks between me and Alina. “But now, you’re really part of the family.”
