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I grew up annoying the crap out of three older brothers whose mental state varies from arrogant and domineering to downright unhinged.

Menace is my fucking middle name.

“Let’s sit in the middle,” Kayla says to the Carlisle sisters.

Aurora flicks a quick glance at me while Jenn follows Kayla down the steps of the auditorium. I flash her a sly smile and wink. She flushes bright red and almost trips on the next step.

I suppress a smug laugh while she straightens and hurries after the others.

That is how women usually react to me. How they’re supposed to react when I’m being charming and flirty.

But for some reason, Kayla seems entirely immune to my charm. Which is odd. And annoying. Usually, panties would’ve dropped by now. But instead, she just looks at me as if I’m something she scraped off the bottom of her shoe.

Except for our little argument in the coffeeshop. I could feel her pulse fluttering under my hand as I pinned her to the wall. Could see the heat that crept into her cheeks. She’s not used to people speaking to her that way, or manhandling her like that, but it didn’t look like she hated it either.

I file that information away for later and instead shift my attention to the annoying guy who showed up at the coffeeshop and decided to tag along.

Lionel Henderson. I drag my gaze over him. Brown hair that is slicked back from his face, gray eyes that seem to get very interested when he looks at Kayla, and fancy clothes that peg him as someone who comes from money. I don’t like the look of him. I don’t like the look of him at all.

Striding down the steps, I shoulder past Lionel so that I can follow directly behind Kayla instead. He stumbles from the force of it and has to catch himself on the seats to his left. I don’t bother stopping to see him straighten again. Instead, I stride down the row of seats and drop down in the one right next to Kayla.

She jerks back in surprise and turns to stare at me. Then she narrows her eyes.

Pointedly picking up her bag from the floor, she stands up and moves three seats to the right. I simply stand up and follow her.

Since I’m blocking the way, Lionel and the two blonde sisters are left awkwardly standing in the narrow space between the seats behind me.

After flipping the seat down from the backrest, I drop down on it and stretch my legs out.

“Stop,” Kayla growls.

A few other people turn around to look at her. She gives them an embarrassed smile before fixing me with a furious stare. I just raise my eyebrows in a show of innocent confusion.

“You don’t need to sit right next to me,” she snaps.

“How else am I supposed to keep you safe?” I reply, grinning at her.

She draws in an annoyed breath between her teeth. Then she surprises me by climbing over my legs and walking back the way we came.

“Stay,” she orders as she casts me a glance over her shoulder.

I narrow my eyes at her back. “I’m not a dog.”

“Could’ve fooled me.”

Before I can retort, she grabs the top of the seat in front of her and jumps over it and into the row ahead. Her friends blink at her in surprise, and even more students turn around to look.

After exchanging a glance, Jenn and Aurora jump the row of seats as well. Lionel follows suit. The blonde girls quickly settle themselves in the seats on Kayla’s left while Lionel takes the seat on her right.

With a smug smirk on her lips, Kayla turns around and shoots me a look that I can only interpret as, your move.

Heaving a sigh, I push up from my seat and move towards them.

The soft murmur that was filling the lecture hall dies down as a man in a brown suit walks out onto the stage at the bottom. The room is shaped like an amphitheater, with curving rows of seats that slope down towards the stage.

I walk forward on silent feet until I reach Kayla.

Then I sit down in the seat right behind her.
