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I grind my teeth and glare up at him. But Jace doesn’t budge. I force out a long, calming breath that does absolutely nothing to calm the wildfire in my veins. Then I at last press out the words he wants to hear.

“I’m sorry, sir.”

His eyes gleam, and he lets out a soft chuckle. “Good choice.”

I’m pretty sure a growl slips past my lips.

With that smirk still in place, he slides a very deliberate look down my body. Another wave of heat ripples through me. Then he at long last releases my wrists and climbs off me.

The moment his weight is off my body, I push up into a sitting position. Jace, who is already on his feet, reaches down and offers me his hand to help me up. I slap it away.

Shooting to my feet on my own, I cast him a sharp look before stalking back to my own room.

We can make each other’s lives hell, or we can be civil.

Arrogant fucking bastard. He forced me to apologize and made me address him as sir.

I will be fucking dead before he ever sees any civility from me.



Well, I did give her a choice. But I suppose making each other’s lives hell it is, then.

It has been almost an entire week since I started this job, and I’m already exhausted. Every day, Kayla Ashford finds some new way to drive me crazy. It helps that I grew up with Eli, Kaden, and Rico, who have all done nothing but mess with me for twenty-two years, but the little demon that I’m supposed to be guarding still somehow manages to infuriate me.

How can one person be so fucking difficult?

I don’t even understand why she’s so against me. I’m literally just doing my job. Which is to protect her. Plus, I’m funny and hot as fuck. How can she not enjoy my delightful company?

At least I will be getting a little break from her tomorrow. I have every Sunday off since Trent Ashford apparently wants them all to spend family time together every Sunday, which means that his bodyguards handle security for Kayla as well as Trent and his wife.

And right now, I’m very glad that it’s Sunday tomorrow, because I have a feeling that tonight is going to be a particularly exhausting ordeal.

Sneaking out of the bookshop, I quickly skirt around the building until I reach the back. There is a trellis secured to the wall there, and it runs up to the upstairs window. A massive ivy plant snakes up the wooden support.

I move so that I’m standing in the shadows behind the hedges that cover the area below the windows. And then I wait.

Less than a minute later, the upstairs window is cracked open and flaming red hair becomes visible.

Remaining in the shadows, I watch as Kayla scans the small garden behind the bookshop. But there is only one decorative lamp on the wooden wall a little farther down, so there is no way that she can see me in the gloom.

Once she’s satisfied, she quickly climbs up onto the windowsill.

Her sleek legs are steady as she swings herself around and then starts nimbly climbing down the trellis.

My cock hardens as I watch her perfect ass move in the skintight little black dress she’s wearing.

Did she actually think that she could fool me with this? No one goes to a bookshop on a Saturday night dressed like that. And her plan to lose me in the twisting aisles while she ran upstairs to climb out the window? Ridiculous. Who does she think I am? An amateur?

I grab the item that I secured to my belt for this specific reason before we left her apartment.

Raising my hand, I wait until Kayla is past the halfway point on the trellis.

Then I blare the air horn in my hand.

She cries out in surprise and loses her grip on the wooden trellis.
