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A smile full of challenge spreads across Mitch’s face as he looks straight at Aurora. “Never have I ever had my pussy licked.”

With that victorious smile still on his lips, he waits for all six of us girls to drink.

Only Rebecca does.

Shock pulses across his face as he stares between the other five of us.

Aurora shrugs. “You’d be surprised by how few guys are actually willing to reciprocate.”

The rest of us nod in confirmation.

Jace clicks his tongue and shakes his head in disapproval. “Once again, you’ve clearly not been fucking the right kind of guys.”

This time, all of the other girls glance towards him with longing in their eyes. But Jace only looks at me, his intense gaze searing through my soul.

An absolutely insane image flashes through my mind. An image of Jace getting down on his knees, draping my leg over his shoulder, and eating me out while I writhe in pleasure against a wall.

My clit pulses.

Pressing my legs together under the table, I give my head a quick shake and force that stupid image out of my mind.

The game continues. Most of the statements are about sex now. I drink on some of them. Jace drinks on every single one. Well, except on his own turns, of course. He always uses those for a targeted attack on me.

My head is buzzing with alcohol, and I’ve started giggling at the stupidest things, which means that I’m starting to get seriously wasted. I reach for the bottle of vodka after downing another shot, but my fingers fumble and I almost knock the bottle over.

From across the table, Jace quickly reaches out and wraps his hand over mine, steadying my hand and the bottle.

Electricity shoots up my spine at the feeling of his hand over mine like that.

It makes me irrationally angry, and I try to yank my hand and the bottle out of his grip. He just raises his eyebrows expectantly. A frustrated sigh rips from my lungs. Releasing the bottle, I let him fill up my glass instead.

Through narrowed eyes, and a vision that is slightly blurry at the edges, I watch him pour vodka into my glass with a completely steady hand.

How the hell is he not drunk yet? Because of all the sex statements, he has been taking more shots than anyone at the table. Yet he appears entirely unaffected while the rest of us are giggling and fumbling and slurring our words. I swear, Aurora almost toppled over in her chair when she leaned over to jab her sister in the ribs. But Jace is just sitting there, smirking at us as if he has been drinking water instead of vodka.

Drawing my eyebrows down, I fume in silence while everyone finishes refilling their glasses.

On the other side of the table, Felicia leans over and places a hand on Jace’s arm while Trina and Rebecca bat their long lashes at him as well. Even Aurora is eyeing him like she’s starving for his attention.

During the course of the game, all of them have unconsciously shifted closer to him. Leaning a little forward in their seats. Twisting their bodies a little more in his direction.

I watch the way they all try to catch his eye or get his attention or make him laugh.

But Jace simply refills Mitch’s glass and gives his arm a slap while chuckling at something he said.

I wonder if he even notices that people seem to gravitate towards him. As if he is a radiant sun that everyone is circling in the hopes of being bathed by his brilliant light for a few seconds.

That irrational anger inside me grows.

“Alright, how about this one?” Mitch says, his voice now significantly louder after all the shots he has been downing. “Never have I ever fucked more than four people in the same night.”

Jace smirks and picks up his glass.

A booming laugh escapes Mitch’s chest as he pounds his fist on the table while Jace downs the shot.

The image of five girls worshipping Jace’s body all at the same time flashes through my mind.

“Man, you are a fucking legend,” Mitch says, and slaps Jace on the back.
