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“Of course we don’t mind,” Aurora says with a bright smile. “We’re always down with being treated to meals at exclusive restaurants.”

Then she laughs and winks at Kayla as if it’s a joke, but I’m pretty sure that she actually meant every word of that.

I study Kayla again while the waiter appears and places menus in front of the four of them.

Since my family is connected both by money and blood to the Morelli mafia family, which is the most powerful mafia family in the entire state, I’ve grown up surrounded by people who want nothing more than to use my connections for themselves. I learned early how to handle it, and truth be told, I don’t actually mind it. In fact, I find the constant attempts to get into my good graces quite convenient. And fun. I love holding power over other people.

But I wonder how Kayla deals with it. Because she’s the sole Ashford heir, she must be surrounded by people who want to take advantage of her too. I’ve always had my brothers to laugh off the ridiculousness with. But she’s an only child. I wonder if that makes the experience different for her.

“Alright,” Kayla begins once they have all ordered their food. “Let’s get our group meeting underway then.”

“Right,” Jenn picks up and nods. “We need to decide how we are going to obtain the items for the silent auction.”

“Wait, hold on,” Lionel says. “We can’t just start with the items. First, we need to figure out how to get funds.”

“That’s what I meant,” Jenn protests, and gives him an exasperated look. “I said obtain the items. I didn’t say buy them.”

“What do you mean obtain? What are you going to do? Steal them?”

“That’s so not what I said.”

“Then what?—”

Kayla clears her throat, interrupting their argument. Both of them turn to face her. Aurora, who was preoccupied with tasting her wine, does the same.

“Look,” Kayla begins. There is a neutral expression on her face as she meets their gazes and waves a hand to indicate the restaurant around them. “I’m very rich. I can easily front the money for the items.”

Jenn smiles and Aurora claps her hands excitedly.

“That would be amazing,” Jenn says.

Her sister nods enthusiastically. “It would save us so much work.”

Across the table from Kayla, Lionel grimaces and lets out a disapproving sound.

“What?” Jenn snaps.

I’m starting to like Jenn a bit more now, because she seems to be as annoyed by Lionel as I am.

“This is an assignment,” he begins. “We’re supposed to work to solve it. Not take shortcuts that are only available to Kayla.”

My eyes narrow. Do I detect a hint of jealousy in his tone?

However, before I can get a proper read on him, the waiter returns with their food.

Heavenly scents drift through the air as he places the plates full of absolutely delicious-looking food in front of the four Ivy River students.

My stomach rumbles.

Kayla casts me a wicked little smirk that I pretend not to notice.

That God damn little demon. I will get back at her for this.

“Was there anything else I could get for you, ma’am?” the waiter asks Kayla once he is done.

“No, that will be all,” she replies.

“Of course. Enjoy your food.”
