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His words spear right into my soul with unexpected accuracy. Because I actually agree with him. It’s why I never apologize for being rich. Why I never feel bad about being powerful even though I have done nothing to earn it. I am who I am. And I own every inch of it. So the fact that I apparently share that sentiment with Jace surprises me so much that I almost forget what I’m doing for a second.

Recovering quickly, I force that revelation aside and instead focus on what I came here for.

My heart pounds as I reach up and draw my hand over Jace’s shoulder.

A shudder rolls through him the moment my hand touches his body.

And once again, I almost lose track of my mission.

While trying to keep my mind from wandering down ridiculous paths, I slide my hand down his arm. Heat pools inside me at the feeling of those hard muscles underneath my palm. I reach the end of his shirt sleeve and trail my hand down his forearm. His skin is warm against mine.

“Kayla,” he says, that cautious note now back in his voice again. “What are you doing?”

Holding his gaze, I flash him a smile full of mischief. “Something I have been thinking about doing all week.”

Fire flickers in his eyes for a second. “Really? And what’s?—”

The moment he’s distracted, I strike. In two quick moves, I snap one side of the handcuffs that came with the costume shut around his right wrist while locking the other side to the iron sliding gate behind him.

Jace blinks in genuine surprise.

That alone makes victory pulse through me like glittering fireworks.

I leap back out of his reach before he can get his wits about him again.

Standing halfway between the bottom of the stairs and the gate, I study Jace while a wide grin spreads across my mouth.

He stares at me for a few seconds before looking down at his now shackled wrist. I managed to lock the manacles to a spot where two rods intersect, which means that he can’t slide the handcuffs up along the bar. Instead, his right hand is now trapped at waist level.

A metallic rattling noise comes from the gate as Jace gives his restraints a small tug.

That wicked grin remains on my mouth.

The veins in Jace’s forearm shift as he flexes his hand. It makes a pulse of heat sear through me. In that tight-fitting black shirt and with his messy brown hair falling down over his forehead as he looks down at his handcuffed wrist, Jace is illegally attractive.

My gaze drifts down to the manacles again.

And God fucking damn it but he looks hot as hell when he’s handcuffed too.

“Really?” Jace tears his eyes away from his shackled wrist and looks up to meet my gaze again. Raising his eyebrows, he gives me a look of both exasperation and incredulity while he gives the handcuffs another little tug. “This is what you brought me down here for?”

“Naturally.” I toss my hair behind my shoulder. “Why do you think I dressed up as a policewoman?”

“So that you would be able to handcuff me.”


A sly smile blows across his handsome features as he rakes a suggestive gaze over my body. “I didn’t realize you were into role play.”

My cheeks heat, but I manage to shoot him a disinterested stare. “Don’t flatter yourself, pretty boy. The only reason I handcuffed you was so that I would be able to enjoy the party without having you glued to my side.”

“Is that right?”

“Yes.” I give him a mocking smile as I take a step back towards the stairs. “So, have fun down here while I go back to the party and get drunk and dance with my friends and fuck strangers in dark rooms. If you’re a good boy and say please, I might even come back down here and release you before I leave.”

A wicked glint appears in his eyes. “Been planning this all week, have you?”

