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Drawing her eyebrows down, she glares at me. But I swear to God there is a smile threatening to spill across her lips too.

“Fine,” she says, and throws her hands up in an overdramatic gesture. “I’ll let you help me. Just a little.”

Which means that I will be cooking the entire meal while she sits on a chair, drinks wine, and drools over how hot I look when I cook.

Just the way I want it.



God damn, the boy can cook. My soul flutters every time I take a bite of the food, and I have to actively stop myself from moaning. The taste is absolutely incredible. Not to mention how fucking hot he looked while he was making it.

“This is absolutely delicious,” Jenn blurts out between enthusiastic bites. Her blue eyes are wide as she stares at me from across my kitchen table. “Did you really make this?”

A sheepish smile spreads across my mouth, and I scratch the back of my neck. “Uhm, no. Jace did, actually.”

Jenn, Aurora, and Lionel all whip around to stare at Jace, who is sitting across from me at the table. Shock pulses across all of their faces as they gape at him.

“You made this?” Jenn asks, sounding as surprised as she looks.

“It was a team effort,” Jace replies, a grin on his mouth, as he winks at me.

Unexpected warmth ripples through me, and I let out a soft laugh.

Team effort. Right. The only thing I contributed to this meal was picking out the wine. Since I have no idea what I’m doing around food, Jace ended up cooking the entire meal on his own while I sat at the kitchen table drinking wine. And staring at his forearms. And staring at the way his messy curls fell down over his forehead when he was looking down at the cutting board. And staring at the light that sparkled in his eyes when he tasted the sauce to make sure it was seasoned perfectly. God, who knew a man could look so hot while doing something as simple as making food?

“I just picked out the wine,” I admit, a smile on my mouth, as I nod towards Jace. “Jace made all the food.”

“It’s incredible,” Jenn says to Jace, her eyes glittering as she takes another bite.

Aurora gives him a knowing smile over the rim of her wine glass. “Gotta love a man who knows how to cook.”

There is a genuine smile on Jace’s lips as he raises his own wine glass in a salute. Red and golden light from the setting sun reflects against the windows of the building opposite ours and shines into my apartment. It casts warm light over Jace’s handsome features as he smiles. My heart does a strange summersault in my chest.

“Why do you even know how to cook?” Lionel suddenly asks, almost sounding a bit suspicious as he frowns at Jace.

While setting down his wine glass, Jace turns and leans forward a little so that he can meet Lionel’s gaze since they are seated the farthest from each other. No one is sitting at the head of the table. Instead, Jace and I are sitting opposite each other on the right side of the table while Jenn and Aurora are seated opposite each other on our left. Lionel is sitting on Aurora’s other side, which puts him alone there at the left side of the table.

“What do you mean?” Jace asks, a slight frown on his face.

Lionel gestures at the food on our plates. “I mean, you don’t exactly look like someone who knows how to make something like this.”

“And what does someone who knows how to cook look like?”

“I don’t know,” Lionel snipes back. “Not like you.”

He sounds defensive. And angry. Which I find very strange. But Jace doesn’t seem bothered by it at all. He lifts his broad shoulders in a shrug and flashes us all a grin.

“Well, a man’s gotta eat,” he says. “And in order to eat, you need to know how to cook.” A sharp glint full of challenge creeps into his eyes as he once again leans forward and locks eyes with Lionel. “Or are you one of those men who expect your girl to cook for you?”

Lionel’s cheeks flush an indignant shade of red as he splutters, “No. Of course not.”

Jace lets out a huff of amusement and leans back in his seat, nonchalantly swirling the wine in his glass before taking a sip.

Before Lionel can retort, Jenn expertly switches the topic. “We should probably start planning the next step for our silent auction. We have secured the items that will be auctioned off. Now, we need a venue.”

“Exactly,” Aurora picks up.
