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“As soon as I get out?—”

“And how are you going to get out?” I hold her furious stare with merciless eyes. “Huh? You’re entirely at my mercy now.”

Her eyes flash like lightning strikes, but she has no comeback for that because she knows that it’s true. So instead, she just lets out a long string of curses.

“This is what I’ve been trying to tell you,” I push, still holding her gaze with commanding eyes. “You might be excellent at sneaking away from your own bodyguards, but against a team of trained professionals out to kidnap you, you don’t stand a fucking chance. That’s why I need to be there to protect you.”

“I wouldn’t need protecting if you hadn’t sent your psycho brothers to kidnap me!”

“You needed to see how easy it is for a trained professional to take you. And how fast it can happen.”

Apparently, she has no quick comeback for that either, since that is also true, so she switches to threats. “The moment I tell my father about this, he’s going to fire you, you arrogant son of a bitch.”

“Why would he do that? He approved it.” Cocking my head, I flash her a grin. “He said that it was, and I quote, a good training exercise for her.”

Another snarl rips from her throat, and she struggles against her shackles again.

Uncrossing my arms, I start towards her. Because of the handcuffs, she can’t move from where she is sitting on the floor. But she can move her legs.

The moment I get within range, she yanks her leg up in an effort to kick me in the balls. But since it’s the only possible attack she can accomplish in that position, I anticipated it and grab her ankle mid-air.

Moving her leg to the side, I step in between her legs instead before I release her. She can kick all she wants, but I’m out of reach in this position.

She bares her teeth at me.

I close the distance between us until my boots almost brush against her pussy. Then I crouch down to her level. She pulls against the manacles again.

Grabbing her chin, I hold her head immobile while I lock serious eyes on her. “Against people like me, like my brothers, people who know what they’re doing, you are out of your league. You’re smart. You’re strong. You’re stubborn. And that’s a good thing. But it doesn’t matter in situations like these.”

She just glares up at me in angry silence, because once again, she knows that I’m right. She has experienced it firsthand now.

“Admit it,” I say. “In situations like these, you need my help.”

A muscle feathers in her jaw as she grinds her teeth again.

“Admit it,” I demand.

She just continues staring up at me in stubborn silence.

I heave a deep sigh and release her chin. Placing my palms on my thighs, I get ready to push to my feet. “Alright, then. If you can do everything on your own, then have fun trying to get out of this basement. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Alarm pulses across her features, and she flicks a quick glance between the handcuffs trapping her to the wall and the door across the room. I straighten and start to turn around.

“Wait,” she says. It sounds as if she had to drag that word from the depths of her soul.

Pausing on the floor between her legs, I arch an eyebrow in silent question.

She forces out a long angry sigh. Then she presses out, “You’re right.”

“About what?” I coax.

Her fingers curl as another wave of angry frustration flits across her face. “It was easy for your brothers to kidnap me. And if you had been there, things would have turned out very differently.”

“Which means…?”

A downright murderous expression flashes across her face, and she grinds out her next words between gritted teeth. “That I need your help.”

I grin. It’s a grin full of smug victory that makes lightning flicker in her eyes again.
