Page 57 of Mr. Devereaux

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My face falls. “Why?”

“Because this was about you, not me.”

“But you need relief too. Let me.”

He stares at me and I think he wants to kiss me, but he doesn’t. I wait, and wait, and wait. Nothing.

“Please will you kiss me?” I breathe, desperate for his touch.

He doesn’t, but he also doesn’t pull away.

I wait with my chest rising and falling, completely lost in his gaze as I wait for him to give me what I need the most.

Chapter Sixteen


I shouldn’t have done that.

I shouldn’t have fucking done that.

Every single cell in my body throbs with need. My dick is like a missile, one that needs to go off right fucking now. But I meant what I said; this isn’t about me. It’s about Charlize.

Sure, I punished her and spanked her for disobeying me, but she liked it. She wanted it. Fuck me if she didn’t want more. But as hard as my dick is for her, I need to keep this strictly to touching only. If I fuck her, all Hell’s gonna break loose and I can’t do that. I can’t push this any further than it already has.

Thinking about her sugar baby comments has me reeling. She was fucking negotiating the terms of being my paid little whore. And the fact is; I can’t deny that I liked it.

I like the idea of her being mine, at my beck and call. Answering only to me. Fucking only me. Spending all her time with only me. I can deny it all I want but the proof is right there. I want her.

I press my forehead against hers. She wants me to kiss her, but I can’t. A kiss is so fucking intimate. I know how her lips feel, how they taste, and if we go there — I know there’s no going back.

“I can’t kiss you.”

Her voice is soft when she whispers. “Why not?”

I sigh. “A kiss is so much more intimate than sex, Charlize.”

“No. It isn’t. What you just did is intimate. Don’t screw with me, please.”

Her begging tugs at my heart. I don’t want to make her upset, in fact, that’s the last thing I want.

“I’m not purposely trying to screw with you. I’m trying to work out what the hell to do with you.”

Silence hangs between us.

“You know what you can do,” she breathes. “I can be whatever you need me to be. It’s a win-win for both of us.”

“And when we’re out, what happens if someone recognizes you and puts two and two together?” Not that I give a fuck what people think. It would still cause a scandal though, and I worry about how Charlize would handle that.

“Nobody knows me here. I can go by Charli when we’re out. That’s if you want to be seen with me.”

I lift her chin. “It isn’t that I don’t want to be seen with you,” I say. “Don’t ever think that. I’m worried if this gets out, the press would be brutal. You’ve suffered enough. I don’t want to cause you additional pain.”

“I don’t care what people think, or what they say.”

“You say that now, but it could change.”

“So, are you saying you agree? I’ll be your sugar baby?”
