Page 17 of Forever & Always

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“She’s crashing our wedding, Callan. Honestly, I’m honored." I chuckle again.

Karla, if that’s even her real name, snorts from beside me. I turn and give her a confused glare.

“Sorry, I just didn’t think anyone would be happy that some stranger is eating all your dessert.” She runs her hand up and down her arm, now nervous that she got caught.

“Everything was too perfect. And you’re not a stranger now, you ate my dessert. Carry on.” I wave my hand at the DJ like it’s a magic wand and he immediately starts the music again and everyone goes back to dancing as if nothing happened.

“Sweetheart,” Cal says when I reach his side.

“Hon, no one was eating that dessert anyways. She’s doing us a favor. And she’s doesn’t seem to be a harm. Besides, believe it or not, I kind of craved chaos for moment,” I defend her. For what reason really? I’m not sure. But I just know that nothing is going to stop this day from being the best day of my life.

So, I grab my husband’s hand and dance the night away.


"It's time for the photo!" the photographer yells as she readies her camera, preparing to capture the most gorgeous photo of friends gathering for a beautiful wedding.

The balcony off of the second-floor walks out into the most picturesque view. The mountains sit extraordinarily beyond in the horizon as the suns sets flawlessly behind the snow-capped mountaintops. Two beautifully etched pillars sit on either side of the balcony accentuating the serene surrounding of the scenery that displays before the photographer’s eyes. It's an image only dreams are made of and as she breathes in the fresh air, she recognizes that she is about to capture the story of all stories.

"Come on, come on!" Sterling shouts as she pulls Dakota and Jax alongside her. Nolan and Callan aren't far behind with Hollis in tow.

"We're coming, sweetheart," Callan responds as he makes his way to stand next to his wife.

They both lean up against the balcony with their backs toward the mountains. The photographer points out the places for the others—Dakota and Nolan next to Sterling, while Jaxon and Hollis standing on Callan's side—before she prepares her own position to take the photo.

"Sterling, can you fix your vail? It's a little crooked, and Jaxon you have a lipstick stain on your neck.”

Hollis' cheeks light up with an embarrassing blush as Jax chuckles and attempts to wipe off the lipstick stain. Callan helps Sterling straighten her vail and Dakota makes sure that Nolan's tie isn't messed up.

"Perfect, now act like I'm not here and just relax for a few moments." The photographer starts to frame the image, ready to take the perfect shot. But she curses at herself because the battery just died so she excuses herself to go grab her back up battery.

"I'll be right back, everyone."

Sterling starts chatting with Dakota as Callan and Nolan engage in conversation, so Hollis takes this as the perfect time to whisper into Jax's ear.

She cozies on up to him and pulls for his attention.

"What is it, Holli?" he asks.

"I want to try for a baby," she says quietly, feeling vulnerable and honest for admitting this to him.

"You do?" Jax questions her with a glint of adoration in his eyes.

"After seeing you with the kids today, especially the baby, I know that you would be an amazing father, and I realized that I like the idea of raising a kid with you. I want to raise a kid with you. So yeah, I'd like to try for a baby." She smiles up at him as his own spreads across his face like a wildfire.

"You're fucking incredible Hollis," he tells her before leaning down and kissing her forehead.

"What are you two whispering about over there?" Sterling leans over her husband and asks while Hollis tries to hide her smile.

"We just wanted to say congratulations to the newly engaged couple! And thank you so much for inviting us to your wedding, guys. It was seriously phenomenal." Jax wraps his hand around Hollis' waist, the two of them holding on to their very own little secret, for now.

"I can't believe you were all in on it," Dakota chimes in while Nolan chuckles.

"I'm surprised Sterling didn't say anything," Callan admits as he adjusts his watch, which causes Sterling to gasp playfully.

"Nolan did right by giving me only a twenty-four-hour notice because any longer and I probably would have let it slip." She laughs at her admission and Dakota slips her hand into Nolan's, tangling their fingers together.

After a few more jokes, the photographer comes back to see that Jax's hand is placed on Callan's shoulder, Sterling and Dakota are embracing each other like the best friends that they are, and the group looks effortless in this candid moment. So, she takes this as her one and only shot.

"Hey everyone, look over here," she hollers, and they all look up at the perfect time for her to snap the photo.

It’s one for the books and the happily ever afters of the world. It tells a story of trials of hardship and landings for love of six people who have come together in a beautiful ending of forever and always.

“Hey, what’s your name?” Sterling asks as the group starts to head inside, the sun dipping lower beyond the horizon.

“Amber,” the photographer answers but still looking down at the single photo she had just snapped of the group. Feeling emotional in a way because it almost seems like goodbye, even though she’s never met these people before. She was simply responsible for telling their story, hired as their wedding photographer of course.

“Well, Amber. Thanks for all you did for us today,” Sterling tells her before walking past her back into the wedding party.

“No. Thank you,” she whispers to herself, knowing that this is the best ending to the perfect love story.
