Page 14 of Haven Moon

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“You and I can work together,” Thad said. “Don’t worry, you’re not on your own.”

“Absolutely,” Stella said. “I can help too. We just need to figure out what packages we offer and what we’ll charge. The marketing of it will be from our website but also advertisements in wedding magazines and maybe even influencers on that ticktocker thing.” She grinned and glanced over at Thad. “That’s what they’re called, right?”

“TikTok, but I don’t think that’s for us. We can talk about it later,” Thad said. “I have a few contacts in the wedding business from college. I’ll ask them for tips about how to get featured in a travel magazine or website. I think Annie would help us too. She knows a lot of people in LA who might want a rustic Montana wedding. After we have our first few clients, word will spread.”

“We need photographs of an actual wedding,” I said out loud, mostly to myself. “For marketing.”

“I’ve taken care of that,” Mama said. “I’ve already spoken to Annie, and she’s agreed to let us use some of their photos. She’s famous and all, so maybe she’ll bring in some fancy brides from Hollywood.”

“Great idea, Mama,” Thad said. “I didn’t think about that at all.”

“You don’t like to take advantage,” Mama said. “But Annie’s thrilled to help us in any way she can.”

We talked for a few more minutes, brainstorming about the kinds of packages we would offer as well as pricing. By the time were done, I was actually more excited than fearful. By a smidge.

“We’ve worked out a pay structure that includes your base plus bonuses for booking and completing weddings.” Thad slid a letter across his desk. “Take a look and see what you think.”

I picked up the paper with trembling hands, reading it quickly. My mouth dropped open at the numbers. It was more base pay than I’d ever thought I’d make. In restaurant work, I relied mostly on tips to make up for the lousy hourly wage. “But this says I’ll start next week. I thought you wanted me to keep up my shifts at the restaurant. I don’t want to leave Caspian short-staffed.”

“When I spoke to him earlier, he said he got a call from a former employee who’s moved back to town and needs work.”

“We think it’s best if you focus on this full time,” Mama said. “You have Chloe. Spreading yourself too thin serves no one.”

“I can fill in if Caspian ever needs me,” I said.

“Great.” Thad handed me a pen. “Are you ready to sign our offer?”

I smiled, pulling the paper closer to me. “I feel like a bigwig. Not like myself at all.”

“Welcome to your new chapter,” Stella said. “You won’t regret it, even though it seems scary right now.”

Fear could not lead my life forever. I’d gotten this far. Built a new life, thanks to the Moon family. My old life was over, thank God. I must embrace this new one.

Still, that niggling worry pricked me right between my eyes. What if they find you?

* * *

As we were walking out of the office, Stella asked if I had a few minutes to talk. “There’s something else I wanted to talk to you about.”

I glanced at my phone. “Yes, I still have a half hour before I have to pick up Chloe.”

“Walk with me?”


The two of us strolled out toward the horse meadow. It was a glorious day with blue skies and temperatures in the upper seventies. I dug my sunglasses out of the pocket of my work apron I’d forgotten to take off for the meeting and put them on to keep from squinting.

“I have a favor,” Stella said when we reached the fence.

“Anything. I owe you for so much. You’ve been a lifesaver with Chloe. I don’t know what I’d do without you and Thad.”

“No, don’t say that. We’re practically family now. Plus, we love spending time with Chloe. She brightens the place up. So do you.”

“Me? Not really.” I used to light up places, but no more.

She turned away, gazing out toward the meadow. I did the same, watching one of the mares and her new colt nuzzling.

“I don’t know how to say this,” Stella said. “Other than to come right out with it.”
