Page 40 of Redemption Road

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“I’ve already ordered champagne and lunch for all of us,” Simone said. “Since Zoe wanted to get together I figured we’re celebrating something.”

There were several glances at her empty ring finger and she fought the urge to hide her hands in her lap.

“As a matter of fact I do have news and something to celebrate,” she said. “Do we need to be worried about this snow? It hasn’t stopped in days.”

“Zoe!” Raven said. “You’re giving me a heart attack. You have to spill it.”

“Champagne first. You guys know I’m serious about the snow, right?” she asked, winking at Raven. “Should I be worried?”

“This is nothing,” Anne said. “This kind of snow is what keeps all the tourists coming in. This is perfect snow for skiing. Wait until January and February hit. You’ll see real snow then, along with some ice. Every year I tell Mick we’re getting too old to traipse out to the barn in in this stuff to feed animals, but he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if we actually retired. He’d finally have to take me on that Mediterranean cruise I’ve been asking to go on for the last ten years.”

Zoe tucked that bit of information in her back pocket. She’d love to be able to send Mick and Anne on a trip like that. She’d learned over the past months that they were selfless people who worked hard and did everything they could to help the family. They deserved a little something in return.

Mac brought the champagne and glasses over to the table and said, “I might be serving y’all today, but I want in on this party.”

“So what’s going on?” Hattie asked once the champagne was poured.

“Well, there are a couple of things. I haven’t told Colt yet because I want it to be a surprise. But I got a call this morning from my agent that another movie deal has been finalized for my last book.”

There were cheers and clinking of glasses, and seeing the genuine joy on their faces at her success filled her with confidence.

“I only tell you that because the money will be enough that I can pay off Todd early. I’ve already had my attorney draft up the notice and issue him a check for a lump sum payment. I want to be free and clear of him forever.”

“Finally!” Mac said. “That’s something I can toast to. What a loser that guy is.”

Zoe’s lips twitched. Ahh, to be that young and naïve again. “I wanted to share it with you first because you’re the ones who gave me the idea.”

“Yes, but did you tell him to stop texting and calling you?” Simone asked with an arched brow. “Because if he doesn’t I know a few men who wouldn’t mind trying to convince him the good old-fashioned way.”

“As a matter of fact,” Zoe said. “He texted this morning to give me a snide congratulations about the movie deal and a comment about how small his alimony payment seems in comparison. I guess he keeps up with all the news where I’m concerned.” She rolled her eyes and took a sip of champagne. “But I told him I was blocking his number and that any questions about his alimony should be through our attorneys. I feel so stupid for not thinking of it sooner. I should have cut the cord a long time ago, but he was able to keep me tethered, like a puppet on a string. But now I am finally free of him in every way possible.”

“Here, here,” Anne said, raising her glass in a toast. “To new beginnings.”

Chapter Fourteen

“You look very festive,” Zoe told Chewy as she attached his leash to the new Christmas collar she’d gotten him. It had bells so it sounded like Santa’s reindeer were coming any time he moved.

He was also wearing a pair of antlers. Anne had been right. Chewy was a dog born for the cold, and his tail was wagging with anticipation.

“We’re waiting on Colt to get here,” she said. “Hold your horses. Now that you’re dressed it’s my turn.”

She didn’t know why she was bothering. There were so many layers on top of her jeans and red sweater no one would even know how long she’d spent agonizing over what to wear. She laced up her white furry snow boots and then got her matching white down parka, red gloves, and red scarf.

“I’m going with a hat,” she told Chewy and pulled the red pom-pom hat low over her ears. “They didn’t have mommy-and-me antlers at the pet store.”

Chewy looked at her skeptically but his tail kept wagging, so she guessed she was forgiven. “And once the tree-lighting ceremony is over Colt is going to take us on a romantic dinner. Don’t worry. He said you could come too.”

Chewy snorted out a breath and nodded. There was a knock at the door and she hurried to open it. She’d not seen Colt since early that morning, and he must have had a busy day because he had barely had time to text like he usually did.

“You okay?” she asked, leaning in to kiss him hello. She brushed the hair back off his forehead.

“I’m great,” he said. “Just been a long week. Sometimes there aren’t enough hours in the day.”

“We don’t have to go out,” she said. “We can just stay in tonight.”

“Staying in with you is becoming more and more of a temptation that’s hard to resist,” he said, kissing her again. This time with a little more passion.

She sighed and said, “That’s my point.”
