Page 42 of Redemption Road

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There was nothing that could take the contentment from her heart, even when they’d had to go back to the real world after a week away.

It turned out Colt hadn’t been kidding about being a planner. He’d been working double time before he’d proposed, hiring a second doctor at the clinic, and arranging for time off so they could have a proper honeymoon over the Christmas break.

When they’d come back from the cabin they’d started moving his things into the condo, incorporating his touches, especially in the kitchen since he was the one who used it. The snow continued to fall, and Chewy had almost forgiven them for leaving him at the farm the week they stayed at the cabin.

But this was their first day back to work, and it had felt good to kiss Colt goodbye at the door and settle into her latest book. Before she knew it, time had slipped away from her and it was almost noon. She’d told Colt she would meet him at the clinic so they could have lunch together.

She put on her boots and heavy coat over her sweats, and then her knit cap, scarf, and gloves and headed out.

“Let’s go,” she said, opening the door for Chewy. “I know you’re just going to roll around in the snow and make a mess of your fur. I’ll leave the leash off today so I don’t end up down there with you like last time.”

Chewy woofed in agreement and they headed out together. They were almost to the clinic when she saw a familiar figure out of the corner of her eye. It wasn’t a facial recognition so much as the way he carried himself. As if he was the only person with the right of way and he expected everyone to watch.

Her heart stuttered in her chest and her palms went damp. But he was in her town now. Surrounded by her people. He couldn’t intimidate her here with empty threats.

“Todd,” she said, before he could open his mouth. “What a surprise seeing you here.”

His looks hadn’t changed. He was a handsome man. But she saw a cruelty in him now that she’d not seen the first time they’d met.

“Really?” he asked. “I’d have thought you’d be expecting me. Unfortunately, you blocked my number before we could finish our conversation.”

“I was finished with our conversation,” she said. “And I believe I made it clear that any communication was to go through our attorneys.”

There were people on the street who were starting to stare, and she saw Raven come out of her shop out of the corner of her eye. She almost smiled. Todd was in the wrong town.

“What fun is that?” he asked. “A little birdy told me the details of your latest deals. I’ve decided to sue, of course, for more alimony.”

“Which you’re free to do,” she said. “Through our attorneys. That’s why we pay them. I’m not sure if you’ve figured that out yet.”

He looked at her oddly and said, “There’s something different about you.”

“Thank you,” she said, smiling. “That’s what freedom looks like. Haven’t you found another woman to try and con out of her fortune yet? Or has your reputation become too well known?”

He smiled but his lips were razor thin. “I’ve got time yet,” he said. “There’s still plenty to get from you.”

“Is there?” she asked, her focus shifting to Colt as he came up behind Todd. She smiled when she saw her husband, confusing Todd even more.

Colt leaned in and kissed her as if Todd weren’t even there. “I was wondering where you were. You’re never late for lunch.”

“Uh-huh,” she said, grinning. “And I’m sure you didn’t get a phone call either telling you I was out here.”

“Word travels fast,” he said.

“Who’s this?” Todd asked, sneering at Colt.

“My husband,” she said. “I’m sorry you wasted my money coming all this way to try and taunt me, but it’s just not going to work. This might be hard for you to understand, but you don’t matter to me. And I’d pay twice as much again just to be rid of you. You are a horrible horrible man. And your days of running cons on women who are vulnerable are coming to an end.”

He took a step forward and she heard Colt growl low in his throat, putting her slightly behind him. She arched a brow and looked at him.

“You can’t fool me,” Todd said. “You’re weak. And stupid. You think this guy isn’t in it for the money?”

“I’m pretty sure he’s in it for the sex,” she said deadpan, making Colt snort with laughter.

“I will wring every last penny I’m owed from you,” Todd said, “no matter how long it takes, how many attorneys it takes, and how many trips out here it takes for you to remember that I’m still here.”

“Is there a problem here, ma’am?” Blaze O’Hara said, coming up beside Todd and looking down at him. He was wearing his uniform and he resembled Simone in coloring, but he had his father’s height.

Her lips twitched when he called her ma’am. “Just a nuisance, Sheriff,” she said. “Unfortunately this man doesn’t know how to take no for an answer, and decided to come out here and see me in person. I guess blocking someone’s number isn’t as effective as it used to be.”
