Page 7 of Redemption Road

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“Nothing some ice and ibuprofen won’t help,” God said.

“Oh, good,” Mac said. “I really like her. She’s gorgeous, huh? You’re going to like her too, Colt.”

How many people are in the room? Zoe wondered. Two women at least. She recognized the voice of one, but she couldn’t place it. And then God. And some guy named Colt. What a ridiculous name.

“I like everyone,” Colt said.

“Uh, huh,” Mac said. “That’s why Grandma says you haven’t settled down yet. You like everyone too much.”

“I’m glad to know my love life is the topic of everyone’s conversations,” Colt said.

“It’s because we love you. Everyone just wants you to be happy. And I’m telling you I think Zoe is the one. I’ve got a special talent for these things, you know? I’m good at matchmaking. Grandma says it’s because I’ve got extra Irish in me.”

“You’re good with matching people with animals,” Colt said. “I’m pretty sure you’re batting zero for matching people with people.”

“Well, it can’t be too much different,” she said. “I get the same feeling in my gut either way.”

“Speaking of guts,” Lucy said. “Do you need me here for this? My stomach is starting to growl. I’m an old lady. I’ve got to eat regular.”

“Head on out and say hi to your daughter for me,” Colt said.

“Huckleberry pie is on the menu today,” Mac said.

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Lucy said. “Your grandma makes the best huckleberry pie in the state.”

“I didn’t expect heaven to be so informal,” Zoe said, but the thought of pie put her over the edge. “Gonna throw up now.” And she did.

* * *

When her eyes opened again she had a little more clarity about her surroundings and a vague memory of a hairy dog and a metal lamppost.

She groaned and tried to sit up, but her brain wasn’t sending the right signals to her body.

“Take it slow and easy.”

She recognized the voice. It had been prevalent in the nightmare she’d just had where she’d met the most attractive man she’d ever seen and then thrown up all over him.

Zoe groaned and then said, “Sorry I threw up on you.”

He chuckled. “I’ve had a lot worse. I’m Colt O’Hara, by the way. You’re just lucky you had your accident right in front of my clinic. I was able to get to you quickly.”

“So I’m not dead?” she asked.

“Nope,” he answered. “And I’m not God. Just the town doctor.”

“I figured as much,” she said on a sigh. There was an ice pack on her forehead and it slipped down to her nose when she turned her head. “Ohmigosh. I’m the worst dog mother ever. I didn’t even last thirty seconds before he got away from me.”

“Don’t worry,” Colt said. “Chewy didn’t go far. In fact, he told me he feels really bad about what happened to you. I gave him my leftover sandwich from the fridge to console him.”

“He told you?” Zoe asked.

“In a manner of speaking. He’s a good communicator.”

Zoe pressed the ice pack to her forehead and gingerly sat up. “I need to get home. I’ve had more excitement than I can stand for one day.”

“Mac said you live over in the new condos by the lake,” Colt said.

“Mac?” Zoe asked, and then she remembered. “Oh, Mac. Where is she? Was she here or did I dream that?”
