Page 110 of Never Been Tamed

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"Of course not. You were just trying to help him because you love him."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Like I said," Lila grins, "I knew you loved him before you did. And I knew the first time I saw him with you that he loved you, so it's all good." She giggles. "But we should head downstairs because Elise just got a call from your parents and they're on the way, and I have a feeling that your mom is going to be more drama than Hank was in that play."

"Oh my gosh, don't say that, Lila. Because you know what that means, right?" Lila looks at me for a couple of seconds, and we both burst out laughing.

"What is it?" Jackson says.

"Well, we both know that my mom..." I pause and Lila grins, and we both speak in unison, "is going to suck, suck, suck." We roll around on the bed laughing.

Jackson's staring at us like we're crazy. "What is going on?" he says.

"I'll explain to you later, my darling. I love you."

"I love you too," he says. "Every single goofy piece of you. And I will never stop. Never ever. Because you’re my lobster, Zara Hathaway. My one and done, forever love.”



One Month Later

“You want to grab a drink tonight?” Ethan asks as I sign the last contract of the day and sit back in the black leather chair. He grabs the papers from in front of me and places them in a manila folder. “Or do you have plans with Zara?”

“I think you know the answer to that.” I grin as I check my watch. “Our fourth official date is tonight and I don’t think she’d be too happy if I canceled to grab a drink with you.”

“What time is the date?” Ethan asks, his blue eyes mischievous.

“It’s in two hours.”

“So you have time if we leave now?” He grins and stands up. I watch as he walks to look out the window and stare at the New York skyline. “By the way, you never told me how everyone took the news that the engagement was off.”

I chuckle as I stand up and head toward him. “My grandma was over the moon until she realized that the reason it was off was because I was head over heels in love with Zara and wanted to give her the courtship she deserved.”

“And her parents?”

“I bought two hondas from her dad and sent him and her mom to Hawaii for two weeks. They love me.” I grin as he turns to me with a wicked smile. “What Ethan?”

“You need to tell me exactly how it went with her parents.” He tilts his head to the side. “They didn’t just show up from Florida and giggle when you said there was no engagement.” He turns to me and there’s a question in his eyes. I know that he wants to hear the drama. How her parents rushed into the house with wide eager eyes and open mouths. How my grandma loudly stated that the door to her room should be locked in case of theft. How Zara had told her parents the engagement was off and her mother had cried and told her off for giving the milk away for free. How I’d stepped forward and invited everyone into the room, aside from Charlotte and Luke and explained to them that I’d hastily pretended to be engaged to get my grandma and Louisa Augustus off of my back and to re-enter Zara’s life. How Zara had agreed to the role. How I’d alerted the New York Times right away so she wouldn’t back out. And how our feelings for each other had grown unbeknownst to either of us.

“I don’t think we have the time,” I say finally. “All you need to know is that Zara Hathaway is making an honest man out of me.”

“I knew you’d find love, one day.” Ethan’s voice is smug as if he was some sort of psychic that had predicted this back when we were at Harvard and both single eligible men.

“I guess I saw what you and Sarah had and wanted it for myself.”

“Bullshit.” He coughs into his hand. “You just finally met the one.”

“I did.” I smile at him as I think about Zara. “She’s pretty much perfect. Aside from the fact that she says she wants to date for a minimum of six months before she will allow me to propose to her. And she won’t live with me until we’re engaged.” I growl and Ethan laughs.

“I’m so glad Sarah was eager to move in with me. I don’t think I could have waited.”

“I mean, it’s not like I’m waiting for everything.” I wink and we both burst out laughing. The door opens and we hear a discrete cough behind us and I look around. Edith is standing there with a bouquet of roses in her hand. I frown as she steps forward, a whisper of a smile on her wrinkled face. She beams as she makes her way to me and hands me the flowers.

“These are for you, Jackson, to give your lovely lady.”

"You didn't have to get Zara roses, Edith. Do you think I'm not romantic?"
