Page 111 of Never Been Tamed

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"I wanted to give them to her from me, to thank her for putting a smile on your face." She pauses. "One that reaches your eyes and your heart."

"Are you saying my smiles never reached my heart?"

"I'm saying that you had no heart to be reached before." She turns to Ethan and takes a deep breath. "You've done your family proud, Ethan. You are a honor to work for and so are you, Jackson. You've both turned his company around and made this old lady very happy."

"Are you trying to steal me from my girl?" I tease her and she laughs. "Thank you for your kindness, Edith. You know that both Ethan and I adore you and your generosity and warmth." As I say the words, I know them to be true. Edith may not be blood, but she's family. Just like Ethan.

"Well, that's all for now." She says beaming. "I promised my granddaughter Sadie that I'd take her to the park tonight."

"Have a good night, Edith." I watch as she leaves the office and closes the door behind her. There's silence in the room as Ethan and I stare at each other. "Did you ever think we'd both be in love like this?" I ask him, thinking back to this time last year, when our sole focus had been on work and then having fun.

"Never in a million years." He shakes his head. "Not only did I not see love coming. I didn't want it either." He shakes his head. "Don't tell Sarah that."

"She already knows." I laugh. "Just like Zara already knows that I couldn't even commit to a vacation destination before her, let alone a woman." I smile as I think about her and the way she makes me feel. It's weird knowing that I matter to someone. That she cares about me and what I do.

"How's her cupcake stuff going?" Ethan asks and I groan at the question. Zara's finances are the one source of contention between us still.

"She's selling at that bodega that her friend Lenny owns." I frown as I think of the man I know has a crush on my woman. "And she's gotten into a couple of small grocery stores. She's not making much money, but it's enough to pay the bills. And I guess Lila is interviewing for jobs right now."

"Lila's her actress friend?"

"Yup!" I nod. "She's great. I actually asked her if she wanted me to introduce her to some directors I knew but she said no. She wants to make it on her own merit. I respect that."

"That's cool." Ethan nods. "So they're all still living in that apartment?"

"Yup." I let out a deep sigh. I do not want them living there. I do not want Zara there. I want her living with me, but she's determined to prove to me that our relationship isn't about my money. Which I already know. "She exasperates me, Ethan. She will not let me move them into an apartment. She will not move in with me." I shake my head. "However, her sister Elise did take me up on an offer to audition for a new reality TV show. Surprise surprise."

"What about the kids?" Ethan asks. "Luke and Charlotte, right?"

"Zara and I are going to babysit them when Elise is filming. I convinced Zara to move in with me for that month. The kids will have their own rooms, of course. They drive me crazy, but I love them." It dawns on me how much they both mean to me. So much that I've already set up 529 college accounts for them. I want them to set up for life because they deserve it. I was grateful that Zara never fought me on those accounts.

"You really do love that girl, if you're letting those rugrats live with you."

"I love her." The words flow freely from my mouth as I gaze at Ethan. "Now let's go and grab a drink instead of standing here like two pussies going on and on about how much we love our women."

"Why don't we invite them?" He grabs his phone. "Sarah loves Zara and I know would love to spend more time with her."

"You want to gatecrash my fourth date?"

"I want it to be a double date." He grins. "See what she says."

"Fine." I grin and grab my phone and call Zara. She answers on the second ring.

"Hey honey," her sweet melodic voice warms my heart. "How was work?"

"Good. Ethan got back from his business trip this morning." I explain. "And he asked if we wanted to join him and Sarah for drinks and dinner tonight. I told him it was our fourth official date and that--."

"Sounds fun." She cuts me off. "I would love to go on a double date, but there's just one hiccup."

"What is it?" I ask her. "Is everything okay?"

"I kinda promised Lila, we'd hang out with her." Her voice is soft. "I know it's our fourth date, but she's been feeling a little lonely and you know she's my best friend and I just didn't want her to be alone tonight."

"She can come as well. The more the merrier." I smile into the phone. "You know I love Lila. Why is she lonely? Didn't that guy Hank ask her out?"

"Jackson! Hank is awful. We do not want her seeing that loser ever again."

"Okay, I didn't realize." I say quickly. "Do you want me to find someone she can go on a date with?"
