Page 37 of Never Been Tamed

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"No. Have a seat," I say, shaking my head and standing up. "You know you're not allowed to open the door."

"But I asked you first, Aunty Zara."

"Luke?" I give him a look and cross my arms.

"Okay. Fine." He sits on the couch and then I beckon Charlotte toward me.

"Come on, Charlotte. Have a seat."

"Okay," she says, running up and plopping herself next to Luke.

The rapping on the door gets louder. "Just a moment," I call out as I head to the door and peek through the hole. I try not to let out a loud groan as I see Frankie standing there. I take a deep breath, plaster a wide smile on my face, and open the door. "Hey, Frankie, how are you?"

"Not as good as you, obviously," he says, looking me up and down.

"Sorry. What does that mean?"

"I saw you out last night at the club looking all sexy," he says, leering at me. "I was about to come and talk to you and you just disappeared."

"Oh, really? I didn't notice that you were out last night."

"Yeah, funny that. I swore you looked right at me. So, tell me something. How were you able to afford to buy drinks in an exclusive bar if you have no money?"

"I didn't buy any drinks. As you know, I'm saving all my money to?—"

"You owe me rent," he says, glaring at me. "And I will have to have to evict you if I don't get something within the next week."

"I know," I say. "I'm working on it. I have a paycheck coming from my job and?—"

"And what?"

"And I will give you all of that." Even though it’s not enough.

"Well, there's another thing you could do to work it off," he says, winking at me. And I stare at him obliviously like I don't know what he's suggesting.

"So, is that all?" I go to close the door.

"Can I come inside?" he asks, pushing his way in.

"No." I block him from entering the apartment. "My niece and nephew are home and?—"

"Oh, I get it. You don't want to bang in front of them," he says crudely, and I narrow my eyes at him. I stand my ground and keep eye contact with him.

"Frankie, I'm not going to say this again, but I'm not going to sleep with you to pay off rent. I'm not going to blow you; I'm not going to do anything with you. You will have the money within a week."

"That's what you said last week."

"And I've been working hard."

"Obviously not that hard," he says, staring at my breasts, and I suddenly wish that I was wearing a bra.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, you're not at work right now, and I noticed you didn't come home last night."

"What do you mean you noticed I didn't come home last night?"

"I was kind of waiting around to see if you were going to be drunk and ready to have some fun," he says with a sneer.
