Page 49 of Never Been Tamed

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"You'll just be dancing on tables. Nothing too crazy," Padma says. "However, you're all going to need to change."

"We are going to be wearing clothes, right?" I ask, praying to God I'm not going to have to dance in the nude.

"Yeah, we've got sparkly bustiers and some mini-skirts you'll all be wearing."

I let out a long sigh of relief. That wasn't so bad. I could dance on a table in a bra and mini-skirt.

"What's going to happen is Simon, the manager, will walk around. If he finds any of you particularly sexy or good dancers, you'll be invited to the main room, where you'll give private dances."

"Is this like a strip club or something?" the redhead says again. "Because not much information was given, and…"

"This is a discreet private club," Padma says. "That's all you need to know."

"But…" the redhead starts again.

"If you have any more questions, it might be time for you to leave."

The redhead presses her lips together.

"I have a quick question?" I ask.

"Yes?" Padma glances at me with an annoyed look.

"I'm just wondering how we get paid and when we get paid and…"

"At the end of the night, you'll all get one thousand dollars."

"Oh, I thought it was fifteen hundred?" I say.

"It could be up to fifteen hundred dollars. It could be two thousand dollars," she says. "We'll give you a thousand dollars a night just for doing whatever you have to do. The patrons may give you tips or more, depending on how much they like you and how much you do to gain their admiration will determine how much extra you make."

"Oh, okay," I say, biting my lower lip.

I'm not sure I like the sound of that, but I'm not going to say anything else. I'm pretty confident that I won’t come back after tonight, but I'm not going to say that. I just need the thousand dollars.

I look over at Charlotte and Luke, sitting on the couch, staring at the iPad screen I brought for them to watch cartoons on and eating candy. They look comfortable, and I am happy about that.

"So, you girls ready to get dressed? Come on."

We all follow her to an armoire in the corner of the dressing room and pick out outfits. I realize that I feel totally out of my element. What am I doing? I think to myself as I put on the skimpy bra. I cannot think about it too much, or I know I'll grab the kids and run out of there, and right now, I need that thousand dollars more than I need my dignity.

"This isn't so bad," the redhead says, shouting at me from a table about five feet to my right. Her hands are in the air, and she’s shaking her hips like she’s enjoying herself.

We're both dancing, swinging our hips to the Top 40 music that's playing. It's dark, and I can barely see anything in the room. I dance back and forth, conscious of the fact that my boobs are bouncing and practically falling out of the side of the bra.

"Hey, you two, you’re doing a good job. You’re both good dancers. We're going to change rooms now." Padma stops next to the tables. "Remember, no talking."

"Thank you," I say, smiling, not sure if I am happy about that.

"You're welcome, but it's not me you should be thanking. It's the men. If they like you…" She smirks. "That's when you see the real money."

"Oh, okay," I say as I get down off the table and try to adjust my skirt so it’s covering my ass fully. We follow her through to another room. This new room is much larger and slightly brighter and I can see tables of men sitting around drinking, chatting, smoking cigars. Some are playing poker, some are reading papers, which I find odd because it's the middle of the night, and many are just chatting.

"So you'll just dance around the room." Padma gestures around with a sweeping gesture of her hand. "If a man stops you, that means he wants a drink. You'll go to the bar." She points to the corner. "You'll order it, give the bartender the table number so he knows who to bill, and then you'll take the drinks back."

"Oh, is that it?" I’m surprised.

"That's it," she says. "Unless someone asks you for more."
