Page 79 of Never Been Tamed

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"Oh," he nods and then steps forward and grabs me. He pulls me into his arms and gives me a long deep kiss. I can’t help but kiss him back and the giggling behind me alerts me that we have an audience. Elise and Lila are both standing there, gaping, while Luke and Charlotte are standing there with their hands over their mouths.

"Jackson, this is my sister, Elise. She's back." He looks at her and for a couple of seconds, I think he's going to tell her off, but then he seems to think better of whatever is on his mind. He steps forward, gives her a wide smile and holds his hand out. Elise grins at him as she walks over and gives him a hug.

"Hey there, handsome," she whispers and holds him close. He offers her a flirtatious smile back. I frown. Is he seriously going to flirt with her? A little bird whispers in my ear that maybe he wants her more than he wants me. I feel a surge of jealousy as my stomach plummets. Doubt creeps in and I can feel my face flushing so I plaster a weak smile on my face to hide my insecurities.

"So you’re my sister's fiance?" Elise looks him up and down, an impressed look in her eyes. "Not too shabby. I wish I was there the night that she met you."

"Really Elise?" I snap at her.

"What? He's hot and he's rich." She purrs like a cat. “Momma likey.”

"Well, it's nice to finally meet you, Elise. I'm glad that you're back in town. Your kids have been missing you." Jackson’s voice is polite. “I have to admit that even if you were there the night I met Zara, I may not even have noticed you as I was so blown away by the chemistry I felt for your sister.”

She looks dumbfounded at his comment and a surge of raw happiness floods through me. This man is heaven sent. I reach over and grab his hand and he beams at me as he squeezes it tightly and then he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into him. "I'm glad that I have been here to help your sister while you've been out of town. It’s been hard on her and Lila."

"I mean—.” Elise starts, but Jackson doesn’t let her finish her sentence.

He kisses my forehead and then my lips. "So darling," he says, looking at me in adoration. I know he's acting because I feel like I can see love in his eyes. My heart stops for a couple of moments because it's weird that I'm feeling a surge of love for him. I shake my head slightly. I'm going crazy. I'm already buying into the lies of love. I need to be careful. "Have you started packing?" He asks me, and I shake my head slowly.

"I hadn't even told Lila yet."

"Packing for what?" Elise’s voice is sharp.

"Where are you going?" Lila asks as she steps forward. "You're not going to elope, are you? You have to have a real wedding. I would love to be a bridesmaid and I was hoping that it would be a destination wedding in like Hawaii or something." She pauses and looks at me. "Though, maybe not Hawaii because I feel like your hair will frizz up and you don't want your hair to frizz up on your wedding day. Maybe-"

"We're not eloping," I say quickly. "We're going to the Hamptons to meet his family."

"Yes," Jackson says, nodding slowly. "My grandparents and my parents would like to meet her and get to know her better. She is going to become part of the family and right now she’s a stranger to them."

"I want to go to the Hamptons," Luke runs up and holds his mom's hand.

"I'd love to go to the Hamptons too," Elise says, grinning.

"Me three," Lila says, and I groan. Why were they doing this to me?

"It's not going to be possible," I say, shaking my head. I look over at Jackson and he nods slowly.

"Maybe next time.” He agrees.

"But I've missed you," Elise says, not letting it go. "I haven't seen you in ages, and frankly," she stares at him and makes a face. "I don't know you and neither do my parents. My sister means the world to me. It's not just your parents that need to make sure that this is a good match." She crosses her arms. "I need to make sure this is a good match as well, and-" She holds her phone up and I frown. I watch as she dials a number and presses speakerphone as it rings.

"Hello? Elise, Is that you?" My mom answers and I freeze. What the hell is she doing?

"Hey, mom. I'm here with Zara and her fiance, Jackson."

"Oh, good. I thought something had happened to her. She hasn't returned any of my calls. Put her on the phone now." I glare at Elise as she shrugs. I stare over at Jackson who looks like he's not quite sure what's going on.

"Hey, mom."


"Yes, mom?”

“Don’t yes mom me, like there aren’t many secrets you haven't told me."

"Mom, I-"

"Who is this young man you're marrying?"
