Page 85 of Never Been Tamed

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"Excuse me?"

"Would you please get into the limo?" He says softly.

"That's more like it," I say. "You don't just tell me, get in like I'm some servant."

"Sorry," he says gruffly. "I didn't mean to be rude."

"Yeah, well you were." I pause. “And you were rude to Lenny as well. I’m mad that you were so abrupt with him.”

"Yeah, well," he says as he slides into the back of the limo behind me. "You need to tell me all about Lenny." He looks and sounds pissed.

I stare at him for a couple of seconds and just shake my head. "There is nothing to say," I say honestly.

"Why was he at your house? Why was he giving you money?"

"I've already explained this to you a billion times. He's paying me for cupcakes."

"Really? Cupcakes?" He looks at my breasts and I roll my eyes.

"Real cupcakes. I told you before that I make really delicious cupcakes and he was buying them because he was going to sell them in his bodega."

"And you're telling me he doesn't have a thing for you?"

"I mean, he might also have a thing for me," I shrug. "But that doesn't mean that-"

"That doesn't mean what?" He says gruffly.

"That doesn't mean that he's my lover."

"Do you like him? He asks, his eyes narrowed.

The honest answer is, while I like Lenny as a friend, I'm not attracted to him. I don't want to be with him, but I don't want to give Jackson that satisfaction. I also don't really appreciate the way he's speaking to me. "He is not bad," I say softly and Jackson growls.

"You want to fuck him?" I gasp at the audacity in his tone. "What? I'm asking you a question, Zara." I feel his hand on my knee and I place my hand on it and squeeze it tightly. I look over at his face.

"Please move your hand from my knee."

"Fine," he says, as he moves his hand.. "You didn't seem to mind last time I touched you."

"Last time? You mean when my mom was on the phone and you took me into my bedroom and fucked me?"

"Let's not get it twisted here, Zara. You took me into your bedroom and we fucked each other. I seem to remember you being on top of me, riding me like a cowgirl," he says, and I blush as I see that the driver is glancing at us in the rear view mirror. How many different drivers had to be a party to my conversations in lovemaking? This is getting embarrassing.

"I was only on top of you because you put me there."

"You didn't exactly get off cowgirl," he said with a wink, and I lean back blushing.

"Well, I just want you to know that-"

"Know what?" He cuts me off.

I shake my head. "That I think you are incorrigible."

"And have you realized that we're arguing like this is a real relationship," he chuckles as he whispers in my ear.

"Well, it's because you're-"

"I know you just said I'm incorrigible." I stare at him for a couple of seconds and just look out at the window. He is in a mood and even though I don't know him that well, I know him well enough to know that I'm not going to win this argument. I stare at the large mansions as we drive by.
