Page 99 of Never Been Tamed

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"They all sound so crude."

"So what then? It's up to you, Zara. I can use whatever term you like, but the fact of the matter is we both know we're going to be in bed together again, touching each other, kissing, breathing, wanting to connect. And if you're worried about being embarrassed that people hear, we're going to have to figure out a way to ensure that no one hears you." I stare at him and just blink.

“I’m not loud.”

“I mean I could put something in your mouth."

"Put what in my mouth?"

"I can think of several things." He looks down at his crotch.

"You're a pig."

"What? I don't have to put it in your mouth." He licks his lips. "Though I think you like it, right?"

"You know what? I'm still mad at you, Jackson. So you can flirt and tease and joke around all you want, but I'm not going to join you. I'm going to go out and mingle because that's what I've been paid to do. You want people to believe we're engaged, right?"

"Yeah." He frowns.

"Well, then let's go and make people believe that we're engaged." He stares at me for a couple of seconds.

"I didn't think that you wanted to actually talk to many people." He looks concerned.

"I'm not really big on lying, but if I'm being paid for a job, I'm going to do it well even if you don't think I'm a good actress."

"You're never going to let me forget that, are you?" he says, his lips twisting up at the side.

"No, I just think it's hilarious that you told me that I was a bad actress and not going to get an Oscar and I was telling the truth."

"Hey," he says, "Maybe you'll get an Oscar for being a natural actress. We'll see."

"What? Are you going to buy one of those for me as well?" My voice is terse. I was angry. I’d been expecting him to reveal real feelings and yet again the conversation had gone to sex. I stare into his eyes and I wonder if I've gone too far. I'm grateful when he bursts out laughing and I watch as he runs his long tan fingers through his silky hair. There's a hint of a smile on his face as he looks around the room, and we both just stand there in silence.

I listen to the sounds of the crowds outside and yet I don't even feel guilty about lying. I feel at peace because even though this is a weird situation to be in, I'm in it with Jackson and I'm doing it for Jackson, and when I'm doing things for people that I care about, it doesn't feel so bad. It dawns on me then that even though I don't know this man that well, I do care about him and I do want him to be happy. I love him.

"My parents are going to be crazy," I say, "So just be careful when they arrive."

"Be careful about what," he asks.

"My dad's going to have you buying ten used Honda. My mom's going to have you booking trips all over the world." I laugh. "And if you think I got an expensive ring at Tiffany's, you don't even want to know what my mom will buy if you get her into any stores."

"Then I guess I have to get her into some stores ASAP," he says.

"Huh? What do you mean? Why?"

"So that she can fall in love with me just as much as I've fallen in love with her daughter." He looks at me for a couple of seconds and my breath catches as he grabs my hand and looks at the diamond ring.

"What," I say blinking. Is this for real? I frown, wondering if he’s joking. “What did you say?” My voice sounds sharper than I intended.

"Just practicing," he says quickly, dropping my hand and stepping back. "You know, for when your mom gets here, we’ve got to practice saying, I love you, so she'll believe it."

"Oh yeah, of course," I say, my voice trembling. It wasn’t real.

"You didn't think I was being real or anything, did you?" he says, looking at me with a nervous, worried expression. I shake my head quickly. “Did you want it?—.”

"Of course not. That would be absolutely crazy. I mean, who falls in love that quickly?" I look disgusted. “This isn’t a romance movie made in Hollywood.”

"Exactly," he says nodding. "Who falls in love that quickly? I mean, who even believes in love at all?"
