Page 55 of Highest Bidder

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“That was him at the bar, wasn’t it?”

I nod.

“Good god, honey. He’s a keeper.”

I laugh and shake my head. “I did tell you about the years and years of bullying, right?”

She nods. “But it sounds like he’s doing everything in his power to make this right with you. Maybe he’s changed.”

“You’re only saying this because he’s a walking panty-wetter.”

“Are you saying I’m shallow?”

“I love you, Callie, but you make saucers look deep.”

She giggles hard at me. “Yeah, well. Just because I have my priorities in order doesn’t mean I’m wrong.”

“Oh, really?”

“I like my men hot, well moneyed, and smart. I don’t think that’s a detriment to anyone.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“And besides, is it so wrong that I want you paired up with someone on Daniel’s social rung? It would make double dating easier.”

I smile at her. “You’re hopeless, my dear.”

“So, what are you wearing for the big night?”

I pull out the garment bag from my deep desk drawer to show her. “Nothing too flashy—I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard, you know?” After I unzip, I get her gaze of approval.

“That’s perfect. Simple cream sweater dress, boots?”

I nod. “Brown knee boots.”

“Classic, sexy without being over the top, respectable neckline … I’d say you nailed it.”

“Thanks. That means a lot from you.” I pack it all back again. “I just hope Anderson agrees.”

“He will. He’s probably more nervous than you are. Seeing you in that will calm him down some, I’m sure of it. And as far as you? What will you tell them that you do?”

“For that, we’ve decided to go with the truth. I have a good job, something that won’t set off their alarm bells. For their intents and purposes, I am a financial catch, funny as that is.”

“And what causes will you champion when the topic gets brought up?”


She smiles. “Thought so. You have to be able to rattle off some charitable organization you’re involved in. People like the Wests must be involved in the community. Rumor has it Elliot West rides Anderson hard because he wants a Senator in the family one day.”

That idea starts a cascade of laughter that I cannot hold back. When I look up at her, I’m the only one in on the joke. “The Senator and the hooker. It’s too much for my pea-sized brain to handle right now, Callie.”

“Oh please, you’re hardly that. Besides, high-end escorts are nothing to be ashamed of, you pulled in quite the haul.”


She shrugs. “It’s only a matter of time before he pays up. You said it yourself.”

“Yeah, but believing that takes a lot of faith at the moment.”
