Page 110 of Brutal Ambition

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“Are you sure? It wouldn’t be any trouble at all.”

Brynn shakes her head, unrolling her silverware. “It looks delicious. I’m excited to eat it,” she assures her.

“Okay,” Aubrey says, but she seems a little reluctant.

Since Aubrey is clearly anxious about being a bad hostess, Brynn quickly saws off a tiny piece of chicken and takes a bite of her dinner. “Mm, delicious,” she says, once she’s finished chewing.

“Yeah?” Aubrey asks. Since she ordered the same thing, she unrolls her own silverware and prepares to take a bite of hers.

“I’ve never eaten dinner on a plane before. How long is this flight?” Brynn asks casually.

“About seven hours,” Aubrey answers.

Brynn nearly chokes. “What?”

Aubrey’s eyes widen at her surprise and her gaze drifts to me questioningly.

“Where are we going?” Brynn demands, looking over at me.


I thought her eyes couldn’t possibly widen more, but I was wrong. “Paris? Like, Paris, France?”

“That’s the one.”

Her jaw hangs open in clear shock for several seconds, but then I can see all the ramifications of that answer falling into place. “Killian… I can’t go to Paris. I have studying to do. I have classes Monday.” Then, as if just remembering the most important part, she says, “I work all day Sunday. If I don’t show up, they’ll fire me.”

“I already called and let them know you wouldn’t be in Sunday. I brought your schoolbag, and we’ll be back in time for all our classes Monday morning. We’re flying in overnight, spending Saturday in the city and the night at the hotel, then we’ll come back home Sunday.”

“I didn’t pack. I don’t have my passport,” she realizes, growing horrified. “How will I even get into the country?”

“I packed for you, and I brought your passport,” I assure her. “I took care of everything. You don’t have to worry about anything, just enjoy the trip.”

“Wow, when he said he was going to surprise her with Paris, he really meant it, huh?” Aubrey murmurs to Dare, who just smirks.

“This is… the craziest surprise ever,” Brynn states. “I should have dressed warmer.”

“I packed an extra pair of thermal leggings if you want to borrow them,” Aubrey offers. “They look just like tights, but they’re warmer, like pants. Pair them with a nice coat and they’ll complement your dress perfectly,” she says, glancing at what Brynn’s wearing.

“Really? That would be amazing.”

Aubrey nods. “No problem. Dare likes me in skirts, but he brought me to Boston where it’s like living in a refrigerator, so I’ve had to find wardrobe fixes to keep from freezing to death. I’m working on a cozy scarf collection, too.”

Brynn cracks a smile. “Not from here, I take it?”

Aubrey shakes her head. “We’re from California. Much, much nicer weather.”

“You’re both from California?”

She nods. “Same place. Baymont. It’s on the coast. We went to high school together.”

“Ohh,” Brynn drawls, seeming to put something together. Her gaze jumps to Dare’s mouth and eyes for a second and alarms the fuck out of me, but then she just nods like she’s figured something out. “You’re the girlfriend from high school.”

“Uh, yeah, I guess,” Aubrey says with an uncertain laugh.

Brynn points her fork at her. “I don’t know if you know this, but there’s this one Zeta who’s like… obsessed with your boyfriend.”

Aubrey rolls her eyes. “You must be talking about Vanessa.”
