Page 111 of Brutal Ambition

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Brynn nods. “That’s the one.”

Aubrey nods, already aware of the girl’s hopeless crush. “She’s the worst. I cannot stand that girl.”

“I can see why,” Brynn says.

“Sloane invited me to join the Zetas even though I didn’t rush, and that girl is half the reason I said no. I’ve already dealt with one pyscho obsessed with him, I do not need a reprise.”

“So it’s a common occurrence?” Brynn asks lightly.

“His ex is a nutjob. Like… you don’t understand when I say that. You think she’s a little crazy or I’m just biased. No. She’s all the crazy, and if she went to school here, she would definitely be a Zeta, so I just… I can’t.”

“Sloane didn’t ask me to join, but she told everyone I was the newest Zeta tonight, so I’m not entirely sure what to make of it. Maybe she just said it because all the other girls in the auction were Zetas.”

Aubrey’s eyebrows rise. “You did the date auction? Isn’t that for single girls?”

“Yes, but I didn’t know that,” Brynn says flatly. “I kind of got tricked into the whole thing. They invited me over to help set up for the fundraiser, but then suddenly I was in some date auction, and then they told me they weren’t real dates, but then Ryan said they were.”

“Ryan’s nice,” Aubrey says. “I’d believe him over a Zeta.”

“Not all the Zetas are bad,” Brynn says, sounding a tad protective. “I met this girl named Addison who was pretty awesome. She made me cookies,” she adds, picking up the little bowl Addison brought us as we were leaving. “There are only two, but we can break them in half and share them if you guys like oatmeal raisin.”

“Speaking of Addison and the Zeta auction,” I say, shifting so I can pull out the fundraiser program I snatched on my way in tonight. “I have questions.”

Brynn looks down at the book curiously as I open it to the page she was featured on. The girls are listed as they would appear, so Brynn is the second girl on the top row and her new friend Addison is several rows down. Since it’s an advertisement for a meat market, every girl has a border around her picture to let bidders know what she’s open to. Most are blue all the way around, but Addison and Brynn are both surrounded by a pink and blue border.

“What’s this?” I ask her.

“Oh. That means we’ll go home with a girl or a guy,” she explains. Then, realizing how it sounds, she looks at Dare and Aubrey. “I didn’t know that. I was not actually open to going home with anyone. Sloane told me it wasn’t romantic in nature, and I thought the point was just raising money, so I told her I was fine with bids from anyone who wanted to donate.”

Dare glimpses the list, then he says, “Your friend Addison get tricked, too?”

“No. She likes girls.”

His eyebrows rise and his gaze shifts to me. “Beware of bi girls who bring your girlfriend baked goods.”

“Dare!” Eyes wide and horrified, Aubrey smacks him in the stomach. Then, to Brynn, she says quickly, “He’s not a bigot, I promise. It’s totally fine if either of you are… into girls.”

Brynn smiles faintly. “I’m not. Sometimes I wish I were, but…”

Aubrey smiles and bites her lip like she understands, but she doesn’t dare respond to that one.

Chapter Thirty-one


After dinner, we all do a little studying.

I let Toast out of her travel bag and play with her for a little bit, then I feed her and let her curl up in her bed for a while. Killian bought her a new toy, and he brought her food and water like a practiced cat dad.

Since there’s a major time difference between Boston and Paris and we don’t have time to be jetlagged, Dare advises us to get some sleep before he takes Aubrey and disappears with her inside the bedroom.

It’s an actual bedroom, with a closed door and everything.

“This jet has a bedroom?” I whisper to Killian.

He smirks. “It does.”

“That’s crazy.”
